100 Effects of Meditation

What is meditation? Simply put, the first stage is concentration, which develops willpower, and the second stage is the process of deep relaxation, in which you begin to feel what you do not pay attention to in ordinary life.
What is meditation like? It can be natural (e.g., sleeping, reading a book, watching a movie, etc.) or purposeful spiritual practice. We can also say that meditations are static and dynamic (in motion), individual and collective.
By practicing meditation regularly, you will gradually get at least 100 positive effects.
Physiological effects of meditation slow down the aging process
Oxygen consumption is decreasing.
Your breathing rate is slowing down.
This increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
Increases resistance to physical activity.
This leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation.
It is useful for people with high blood pressure.
Reduces anxiety attacks by reducing the level of lactate in the blood.
Reduces muscle tension.
Helps with chronic diseases such as allergies, arthritis, etc.
Reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Helps in postoperative healing.
Boosts the immune system.
Reduces virus activity and emotional stress.
Increases energy, strength and motivation.
Helps with weight management.
Reduces the number of free radicals, reduces tissue damage.
Provides high skin resistance.
Reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Improves the flow of oxygen to the lungs, resulting in easier breathing.
Feelings of “I love and constantly express love.”
Increases the level of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone).
Prevents or slows down pain in chronic diseases.
Prevents sweating.
It treats headaches and migraines.
It regulates the brain.
Reduces the need for medical care.
Less energy wasted.
Motivates you to play sports.
It greatly facilitates breathing during asthma.
Increase physical stability.
Normalizes weight.
Harmonizes the endocrine system.
Relaxes the nervous system.
Provides beneficial changes in the electrical activity of the brain.
Treats infertility (affects the production of hormones that regulate ovulation).

Psychological effects of meditationIt increases confidence.
Increases serotonin levels, affects mood and behavior.
Frees you from phobias and fears.
It helps to control the thought process.
Increases focus.
Develops creativity.
Coordinates the electromagnetic waves of the brain.
Increases learning ability and improves memory.
Increases the sense of vitality and rejuvenation.
It provides emotional stability.
It helps you understand yourself better.
It slows down aging.
It is easier to get rid of bad habits.
Increases intuition.
It increases efficiency.
Improved relationships at home and at work.
An opportunity to look more broadly at the situation and solutions.
It helps to ignore small questions.
Increases ability to solve complex problems.
You know yourself better.
Develops willpower.
Deep interaction between the two hemispheres of the brain.
Effective and quick response to stressful events.
Develops the perception system and the motor system.
Intelligence is rising.
Increased job satisfaction.
Increased sensitivity during intimate contact with a partner.
Reduced susceptibility to mental illness.
Become sociable and sociable.
Aggressiveness decreases.
Helps to quit smoking, get rid of alcohol dependence.
Reduces the need and dependence on drugs, tablets and medications.
Recover faster during sleep.
It takes less time to fall asleep and helps to cure insomnia.
Increases the sense of responsibility.
Reduces aggressive behavior on the road.
Reduction of anxiety.
Develops a sense of empathy.
It helps to make more accurate decisions.
Develops tolerance.
It opens up new constructive possibilities.
Become a stable and balanced person.
Develops emotional maturity.

The spiritual effects of meditationHelps you see the future.
Provides peace of mind, happiness.
Helps with goal setting.
It promotes greater self-actualization.
Become more compassionate.
Gaining wisdom.
You understand yourself and others more deeply.
The body, mind and spirit live in harmony.
A deep level of spiritual relaxation.
It helps you learn to say goodbye to yourself and others.
It changes attitudes towards life to positive ones.
A deep relationship and connection with God.
Achieving enlightenment.
Focus on the inner world.
It helps to live “here and now”.
It reveals and deepens the feeling of love.
Expands power and consciousness beyond the ego.
You have an inner sense of confidence.
The experience of “unity” and “flow.”
Synchronizes your life.
Source: vseedino.ru/100-ehffektov-meditacii