Foods that accelerate the metabolism

We all want to lose weight without experiencing serious discomfort. What foods speed up metabolism and promote rapid burning of fat?
Water Products that increase metabolism, all well known to us. For example, everyone knows that water is one of the main participants of metabolic processes. If you drink a cold liquid, the body will be forced also to compensate for the temperature difference, and therefore will be wasting extra energy. Daily should drink about 8 cups water (more, if there are no contraindications).
Green tea Some foods that accelerate metabolism to lose weight, you should consume daily. First of all, it is worth remembering about green tea – it stimulates metabolism, accelerating fat burning, cleanses the body, increases stamina. Drink 3-4 cups of healthy drink per day.
Coffee invigorates, increases metabolism, rids the body of excess fluid. Abuse the drink is not necessary – it is enough to drink 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning. You can't use the sugar and cream.
Citrus fruits All citrus fruits have in their composition organic acids that stimulate the flow of metabolic processes. Fruits contain minerals, fiber, rich in vitamins. Most often in weight loss using grapefruit – they are composed of naringin – a substance that burn fat and activates the liver. To lose weight enough to eat every day a citrus fruit as a snack between meals.
Dairy products Positive effect on the flow rate of metabolic processes have dairy products. The secret of their efficiency is the high calcium content. It is important to remember that from low-fat dairy products, this element is practically not absorbed. True, and they have a plus: these products increase the production of calcitriol
hormone causing additional consumption of fat cells.
Grain products Whole grain contains high concentrations of fiber for processing grain products the body is forced to expend a certain amount of energy, which leads to faster metabolism.
Bran Bran is cellulose in its purest form. There are different types of them – bran is made from the shells of the grains of oats, rice, buckwheat and other grains. Bran will not only speed up metabolism but also cleanses the body, reduce appetite, regulate blood sugar levels.
Lean meat, poultry, fish Meat and fish contain a high concentration of protein. The material of the body spends a certain amount of energy. It is proved that protein foods speed up metabolism.
Spices the Acceleration of exchange processes contribute to the many spices (cinnamon, pepper, ginger, celery, coriander, cumin, Zira etc) — 1 tsp. dry seasonings speeds up the metabolic rate by 10-25% (depending on their type). It is important to remember that many condiments will not only speed up metabolism but also increase the appetite, they must be used very carefully.
Reviews of Products, accelerating the metabolism, includes daily in our diet, but it does not lead to weight loss. Judging by the reviews, it is impossible to rely only on their "magical" action on the control the intake of calories and physical activities should not be forgotten.
Source: updiet.info/
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