Decorative bow on your klumbe- more than useful herbs
Some years I pursued the idea to create a flower garden of ornamental onions (Allium). It all started with a casual acquaintance with these plants, and when I found out how diverse the world of Allium, literally lost the peace)) And then, last fall in a new garden, I carried his venture. And while I wait to come down and the snow began to see the results of this work, tell a little bit about those species that in my garden and the garden have been living for a long time.
The absolute favorite - chives. It is a source of early greens: the pen grows as soon as snow melts. And the young pen is very tasty, almost without bitterness. And if chives regularly cut and well watered, the crops can be removed literally from snow to snow. And even in winter: this plant is perfectly amenable to distillation at home
. Only worth stock up several pots with planting material, if you want the greens were all winter: home chives enough only for two crops, then he needs to rest again - before landing back on the spring flower bed.
And yet - it is a universal ornamental plant. It can be planted bushes, and you can - in a strip along the border or flower-bed flowerbed
. This is convenient, because it grows incredibly fast. Dividing one adult bush, you can do the curb about two meters in length, and even more, and is literally a week after landing, he cheerfully become green. And when the bloom! ..
The only drawback: at the time of flowering of the pen begins to turn yellow, and overblown chives might look ugly. But this "burn" easily help: simply trimming a plant completely, leaving no more than 5 cm above the soil surface. Already the next day will be the first young feathers, and very quickly the appeal of plants restored.
Decorative bow: more than useful herbs
Other remarkable plant - Allium Aflatunense. It leaves even the snow melt is not waiting, often straight from the melting snowdrift looks lush greenery.
The leaves are broad, fleshy, juicy, with a flavor and taste of garlic. I like to use them in salads, especially the spring body glad of any greenery. A little later, a tall flower stalks. The leaves at this time has not edible, they start to fade as soon as the flowers bloom. Therefore, it is desirable to put the bow on the background of flower beds, or in the center (if the review on all sides), but so that at the right moment of their unsightly appearance was hidden by other plants.
Bow-Slizunov - stable ornamental plant. And it's very useful: its leaves are rich in iron and vitamin C, they are recommended to use with iron-deficiency anemia. And it does not irritate the stomach, so it may have even those who onions is contraindicated due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Bow-Slizunov used in Tibetan medicine.
This plant does not form bulbs - instead they have only a slight thickening in the lower part of the stem. Leaves his flat, juicy and palatable; they also have a garlic flavor, like onion leaves aflatunskogo, but, unlike him, a bow-Slizunov not coarsens. Flowering onion Slizunov later than the other bows - in the second half of the summer.

The absolute favorite - chives. It is a source of early greens: the pen grows as soon as snow melts. And the young pen is very tasty, almost without bitterness. And if chives regularly cut and well watered, the crops can be removed literally from snow to snow. And even in winter: this plant is perfectly amenable to distillation at home
. Only worth stock up several pots with planting material, if you want the greens were all winter: home chives enough only for two crops, then he needs to rest again - before landing back on the spring flower bed.
And yet - it is a universal ornamental plant. It can be planted bushes, and you can - in a strip along the border or flower-bed flowerbed
. This is convenient, because it grows incredibly fast. Dividing one adult bush, you can do the curb about two meters in length, and even more, and is literally a week after landing, he cheerfully become green. And when the bloom! ..
The only drawback: at the time of flowering of the pen begins to turn yellow, and overblown chives might look ugly. But this "burn" easily help: simply trimming a plant completely, leaving no more than 5 cm above the soil surface. Already the next day will be the first young feathers, and very quickly the appeal of plants restored.
Decorative bow: more than useful herbs
Other remarkable plant - Allium Aflatunense. It leaves even the snow melt is not waiting, often straight from the melting snowdrift looks lush greenery.
The leaves are broad, fleshy, juicy, with a flavor and taste of garlic. I like to use them in salads, especially the spring body glad of any greenery. A little later, a tall flower stalks. The leaves at this time has not edible, they start to fade as soon as the flowers bloom. Therefore, it is desirable to put the bow on the background of flower beds, or in the center (if the review on all sides), but so that at the right moment of their unsightly appearance was hidden by other plants.

Bow-Slizunov - stable ornamental plant. And it's very useful: its leaves are rich in iron and vitamin C, they are recommended to use with iron-deficiency anemia. And it does not irritate the stomach, so it may have even those who onions is contraindicated due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Bow-Slizunov used in Tibetan medicine.
This plant does not form bulbs - instead they have only a slight thickening in the lower part of the stem. Leaves his flat, juicy and palatable; they also have a garlic flavor, like onion leaves aflatunskogo, but, unlike him, a bow-Slizunov not coarsens. Flowering onion Slizunov later than the other bows - in the second half of the summer.