5 exercises for the spine, which can be done even in the office
Those of us who are constantly working at the computer or sitting at the table, not by hearsay know what a pain in the spine. And we all know how much the state of the back affects the health of the whole organism.
That is why the Website gathered for you the most simple and effective exercises for the spine that can be performed in any place convenient for you. It is enough to close the wall was smooth.
Neck and head against the wall Be and start to press the spine, starting from the lower divisions. Presses the coccyx, and upper part of the hold-rounded, so that it does not touch the walls. Slowly "unroll" the back of the wall. Neck keep bent as if you pulled up behind the parietal part of the head. Avoid excessive pull the chin to the collarbone. During exercise, you feel a slight stretch in the neck.
upper part of the spine Become near the wall, his arms along the body and expand the palm of your hand to the body. Slowly allot elbows back so that they come into contact with the wall. At the same time do not reduce your shoulders and do not touch the lower part of the arm of the wall. Repeat several times.
Snuggle shoulders back against the wall. Slowly pull the left shoulder away from the wall so that the wall concerned only the inner part of the blade. Similarly, repeat with your right shoulder.
Lumbosacral Snuggle back to the wall and slightly bend your knees to go down. Then bend the back to maximize press tightly against the lumbar region. Now slowly straighten the legs in turn. Do not forget to monitor the waist pressing against the wall. For maximum traction, you can put your hands on your hips and press down slightly down, with his feet to perform straightening. Do the exercise only if it does not bring pain or discomfort in the lower back.
Coccyx back against the wall, so that the heel is at a distance of 35-40 cm from the wall. Slightly bend your knees and slowly press down the basin to the wall. The lower spine must pull over to the wall, without causing discomfort. Repeat several times.
According to the materials: fithacker
See also:
8 simple exercises against back pain
Just one exercise for the royal posture
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/vsego-odno-uprazhnenie-dlya-korolevskoj-osanki-870960/