Smooth skin and thick hair has its origins in the gut

Beautiful, smooth skin and thick silky hair, figuratively speaking, have their origin in the intestine, and the vitamin biotin can help in this more than all beauty institutes in the world. This is all the more striking that the liver should be only one thousandth of a gram of this vitamin in the form of a permanent reserve to supply not only the cells of the skin and hair, but the whole organism this amazing nutrient. If we translate all the money, it turns out that nature - the cheapest beauty salon
. Biotin is found in yeast, liver, egg yolk, tomatoes, soybeans, brown rice and bran. However biotin, which need our cells, mainly produced by bacteria in the intestines of our own. We ourselves are vitamin manufacturers. This is possible only if is not broken highly complex, sensitive and orderly world of intestinal microbes. They need only complete a healthy meal to diligently do their work.
The slightest imbalance, such as a glass of vodka and a piece of sugar or a tablet of the antibiotic can lead to chaos. In this case, biotin production is reduced.
Modern biochemists studying the metabolism, do not be surprised that people who are malnourished, the hair falls out and the skin looks flabby and withered.
Because the intestinal mucosa is dotted with endless folds and convolutions, its area is not inferior to the size of a tennis court. It quadrillions living organisms, whose total weight is equal to the weight of the liver (about one and a half kilograms) and which are not inferior to her performance in the process of metabolism. A healthy intestinal flora is an impregnable bastion against the pathogens. At the same time it produces vitamins such as biotin or vitamin K, and supplies power to the intestinal mucosa. Thus, our body itself - a kind of vitamin factory
. Beautiful smooth skin and thick silky hair are formed in the gut. It was there that the bacteria produce biotin. Thus, we manufacture this vitamin itself, but only on the condition that our food contains enough yeast, liver, egg yolk, tomatoes, soybeans, brown rice and bran.
A healthy intestinal flora exists because
biotin Those who prefer smoked sausage with fried potatoes, cream cakes, canned food, fatty meat with dumplings or crispy sticks, for six weeks can kill his entire intestinal flora. Strong drinks, nicotine abuse and tablets complete the deal. It destroyed the whole world, consisting of thousands of types of microorganisms that nature so carefully created. It's the same thing as to deprive the forest of trees, shrubs, grasses, flowers, moss, all the large and small animals, and then another to pour caustic acid. What then remains, one can imagine himself.
The fact that the intestinal flora is destroyed, can be easily identified by digestive disorders such as diarrhea or constipation, bloating, bad breath, hair loss, skin problems. The molecules of biotin, which is still released into the bloodstream from the intestine of this, we have to look for what is called the afternoon with fire.
Because the damaged intestines and bad food leads to obesity, many go on a diet, but a consequence of this is that it is extremely important biotin does not enter the body with food.
In a purely fruit diet often do not contain biotin. The same can be said about the potato and meat-based diet. One who holds a special egg diet and three consecutive days eating only raw egg white, loses all of biotin in the intestine, because contained in egg white avidin (protective substance consisting of protein and carbohydrates) destroys four times more biotin than it weighs itself. < br>
According to recent reports, biotin plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism, interacting with the pancreatic hormone insulin. In addition, biotin is involved in the production of so-called glucokinase, the substance, which "triggers" glucose metabolism.
Glucokinase is produced in the liver, the same place where biotin is stored. This is especially important for diabetics who glucokinase content in the liver is lowered.
Through the addition of biotin (16 mg daily), doctors can significantly improve glucose metabolism in diabetic patients.
Just one glass of vodka and a piece of sugar or a tablet of the antibiotic can cause substantial damage to the gut flora and thereby the production of biotin. Signs of destruction of the intestinal flora are indigestion, bloating, bad breath, hair loss and skin problems.
Biotin stabilizes blood sugar
It plays a significant role in the synthesis of biotin and glycogen accumulated in the liver and muscle carbohydrate, and the assimilation of these stocks in the so-called gluconeogenesis, during which 16 of 22 amino acids are converted into glucose. This process is extremely important to maintain a stable blood sugar level. Too low sugar (hypoglycemia doctors call it) has become a new mass disease that is constantly or intermittently present in every second of us.
Our brain cells and nerves are fed only glucose. Therefore, the blood sugar should remain permanently at a certain urovne- 80-100 mg of glucose per 100 milliliters of blood. At 60 mg, we become nervous, irritable, tired. At 40 mg torments us in the morning the question of how to survive this day. At 30 mg, we are not able to cope with everyday tasks. The most trifling conflict, the one and only "no" can lead to a nervous breakdown.
Due to the fact that women can build up in the body is only 300 grams of glucose (men - 400 g), the reserves are being depleted faster than they have. The content of sugar in the blood decreases at a faster rate, and the woman will become nervous or fall and depression and more likely to suffer from insomnia than men.
Taking into account all these factors, it must be ensured sufficient replenishment of biotin. But there are vitamin and other tasks. It helps to digest protein and the metabolism is an important ally of the other B vitamins, such as folic and pantothenic acid, and vitamin B12. In addition, it is involved in the decomposition of fatty acids in the fat burning.
Due to the fact that women can amass a total of about 300 grams. glucose, and men about 400 g, women will become nervous or fall into depression and more likely to suffer from insomnia than men.
Vitamins for skin, hair and nails
Since biotin contains sulfur, it can be called beauty vitamin for the skin, hair and nails. In other words: who wants to be beautiful and to make a good impression on the people, should not ignore the biotin
. The fact that the skin, hair and nails need sulfur, and someone has to bring it back. Biotin has established itself as the ideal vehicle, which always delivers its sulfur load exactly as prescribed.
Since biotin and controls the exchange of fat is predominantly in the skin and hair, it is, of course, affect the fat content of the skin. Where there is not enough vitamin comes seborrhea, abnormal function of the sebaceous glands. Its effects are, in particular, hair loss and dandruff. And due to the fact that in this case there is a shortage of sulfur, and the skin becomes pale and dull hair. Over become brittle and nails.
Swiss researchers in 1991 conducted an interesting experience. Group test of 32 people who were brittle nails, within 3 months of daily were given 25 mg of biotin.
After all the above, there is nothing surprising in the fact that during this time the thickness of the nail have increased by a quarter.
Due to the presence of sulfur in the beauty vitamin biotin, the skin, as if by magic, it becomes smooth, fluffy hair and nails strong. If you do not have enough biotin, disrupted the activity of sebaceous glands, which leads to hair loss and dandruff, and increased fragility of nails.
The first signs of a lack of biotin:
Nervousness, irritability
Too dry or oily skin
Hair loss, dandruff
The gray color of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat
Depression, lethargy
Muscle pain
Another important task of biotin is to link carbon dioxide with purines, which contain the genetic information of our body. It is required for the synthesis of hemoglobin - the pigment of red blood cells. Thus, the bioactive substance is very versatile and is used in almost all parts of the body.
How Biotin enters the body's cells
In the process of digestion of the vitamin stands of dietary protein and enters the bloodstream. However, it can be synthesized alone and in the intestine. This involved a special enzyme biotinidase. This protein is likely to be and the "vehicle" by which the vitamin falls into the blood and cells. The results of recent studies show that infants sometimes a lack of this enzyme. Are monitoring in cases where children are born with low blood sugar, but with a very high content of ammonia and lactic acid. At the age of two to three months, these children develop inflammation of the skin or hair fall out, including eyelashes and eyebrows. In each case analyzes indicate biotin deficiency.
Doctors prescribe vitamin - and the illness disappears. According to researchers, the lack of biotin and is the cause of sudden deaths of newborns. Case, apparently, is due to the inability to genetically absorption biotin. Many doctors are now insist that all newborns tested biotin content in the blood.
Many infants suffer from a biotin deficiency. According to psychologists, the lack of this vitamin is one of the causes of neonatal mortality.
How does biotin
The molecules of biotin deliver on their "shoulders" of sulfur load in the 70 trillion cells in the body. In collaboration with them are involved in the metabolism of many other bioactive substances. At the same time there is hardly another vitamin that would be so one-sided specialized in physical processes, ie only affects physiology.
Biotin does not wish to deal with mental processes in the human body, coming into contact with protein compounds which mainly contained in nuts and seeds, biotin plays an important role in supplying energy nerve cells. However, the world of thoughts and feelings remain inaccessible to him.
What we need biotin?
In 1000 consumption of calories we need about 100 mcg of biotin. Accordingly, women's daily requirement is approximately 250 mg of vitamin, and men - 300 mcg. In normal operation, the intestine is sufficient if only one-fifth of this amount comes from food.
This vitamin resorption, ie the direct uptake through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, plays no role. Much more important is a healthy intestinal flora in which the bacteria are incessantly produce enough vitamin molecules. To countless gut bacteria can deal with the problems, we need to eat right polnotsennymiproduktami. These include brown rice, potatoes, vegetables, salads, fruits, milk (not packaged and home), eggs (yolk). Ideal nutritional supplements are brewer's yeast, molasses, bran and fish oil, which contains biologically active substances in a concentrated form.
Particularly rich in biotin: Food (100 grams), micrograms (millionths of a gram)
Liver 102
Soy flour 63
Egg yolk 54
Walnuts 37
Peanuts 31
21 Sardines
Almonds 17
Mushrooms 15
Brown rice 9
Bread from wheat flour with bran 7
Spinach 6
Crabs 6
Ham 5
Carrot 3
Tomatoes 2
Cottage 2
What to consider
To supply the body with biotin is of particular importance a healthy intestinal flora, producing a sufficient amount of this vitamin. If the biosynthesis in the gut is broken (for example, as a result of poor eating habits, consumption of spirits, nicotine, etc.), the biotin must be ingested with food.
Biotin activates the vital protein compounds found in nuts and seeds.
Why the need for biotin:
Fat metabolism
substances Carbohydrate metabolism
Leather Hair
Muscle cells
The blood sugar
The energy for the cells of the brain and nerves.
From the book by Klaus Oberbaylya "Vitamins healers"