Respect your words!
During illness or deal with undesirable behavior or bad habit, addiction, we are in a defined framework, built on our belief systems and belief that if we turn an ordinary fish.
We believe that our services whole ocean of possibilities, and on the very same matter, are in a confined space, like in an aquarium. So, what we believe, we take as a constant, and it is our limit, closes us in the one-sided view of reality.
To approach to recovery, we need to understand why our constructed aquarium wall. What beliefs keep us in this state Bad? How we perceive the behavior and words of other people? What are the words we heard when he was a child, which were then perceived by us as a compass and still show us the way to life? What we have coded in the memory cell, which does not allow us to go beyond the repeated patterns of behavior?
For example, a negative comment that we digest in a lot of years, can start the production of melanin, resulting in the appearance of repainting and changes in the skin, and in the worst case of melanoma, that for automatic brain has extraordinary biological importance - is a shield that protects from disease.
Swim out beyond the framework in the space of the ocean and recover those who have the ability to reach inner silence, to go from a state of discursive consciousness and is at the level of internal intelligence. Then we can connect with the wisdom of the body and the part of the memory, which encoded a negative impression that helps to get rid of them.
Another ability that leads to the recovery, have to follow in the direction to your inner voice. When our thoughts, feelings and actions are harmonious, can with more confidence to walk the road to recovery.
According to Carl Jung, three recommendations for recovery there:
- Definition of swagger and injury,
- Take the necessary action,
- Persistence and determination, allowing to operate systematically
. On the other hand, to protect themselves from the repeated closures in the walls of the aquarium, can help rule 5 Don Miguel Rice:
1. Respect your word.
Avoid words that hurt you or others.
2. Do not take anything for myself personally.
When it becomes independent of the opinions and actions of others, and only then get rid of unnecessary suffering.
3. Do not plan anything in advance.
Find the courage to ask ourselves questions and to openly express their true desires.
4. Do everything as best as possible, as soon as you can, but according to their real possibilities.
5. Be skeptical, but learn to listen, and only then make a choice.
Most of what you hear is not true. Any assessment of your or your associates, this is only version and other people's opinions about the real situation, which passed through the filter of beliefs. Do not let the will of the inner tyrant, who takes the opinions of others for the reality and the truth.
Get out of the invisible wall of the aquarium, and use all the features provided by your life.
Be happy!
We believe that our services whole ocean of possibilities, and on the very same matter, are in a confined space, like in an aquarium. So, what we believe, we take as a constant, and it is our limit, closes us in the one-sided view of reality.
To approach to recovery, we need to understand why our constructed aquarium wall. What beliefs keep us in this state Bad? How we perceive the behavior and words of other people? What are the words we heard when he was a child, which were then perceived by us as a compass and still show us the way to life? What we have coded in the memory cell, which does not allow us to go beyond the repeated patterns of behavior?

For example, a negative comment that we digest in a lot of years, can start the production of melanin, resulting in the appearance of repainting and changes in the skin, and in the worst case of melanoma, that for automatic brain has extraordinary biological importance - is a shield that protects from disease.
Swim out beyond the framework in the space of the ocean and recover those who have the ability to reach inner silence, to go from a state of discursive consciousness and is at the level of internal intelligence. Then we can connect with the wisdom of the body and the part of the memory, which encoded a negative impression that helps to get rid of them.
Another ability that leads to the recovery, have to follow in the direction to your inner voice. When our thoughts, feelings and actions are harmonious, can with more confidence to walk the road to recovery.
According to Carl Jung, three recommendations for recovery there:
- Definition of swagger and injury,
- Take the necessary action,
- Persistence and determination, allowing to operate systematically
. On the other hand, to protect themselves from the repeated closures in the walls of the aquarium, can help rule 5 Don Miguel Rice:
1. Respect your word.
Avoid words that hurt you or others.
2. Do not take anything for myself personally.
When it becomes independent of the opinions and actions of others, and only then get rid of unnecessary suffering.
3. Do not plan anything in advance.
Find the courage to ask ourselves questions and to openly express their true desires.
4. Do everything as best as possible, as soon as you can, but according to their real possibilities.
5. Be skeptical, but learn to listen, and only then make a choice.
Most of what you hear is not true. Any assessment of your or your associates, this is only version and other people's opinions about the real situation, which passed through the filter of beliefs. Do not let the will of the inner tyrant, who takes the opinions of others for the reality and the truth.
Get out of the invisible wall of the aquarium, and use all the features provided by your life.
Be happy!