4 weeks, which will completely change your life
Just one month self-study, to improve on your life! I can safely promise to all those who fulfill the below plan in a month you will not recognize yourself. So, for each week of the plan - the three tasks that need to implement into your life. And stay with them throughout the month. Ideally - and longer, but here it is for you to decide
Week 1. Clean the body and mind
Early wake up around 6 am. Immediately there is time for yourself, which is never enough for the day. Consequence - the peace and quiet, you can without being distracted about their business, while domestic sleep. This is the perfect time for morning practices for the body setting out to spend the day at 100%. Laziness, the reluctance to get up early - this is not an indicator of fatigue. For me it is an indication that you do not want to live my life. Why get up out of bed - there again gloomy morning, the subway, traffic jams, work ... Now, if the first thought was "soon be morning - a new day!"? Agree, it is unlikely with such a feeling of early rise will be a problem. So, it turns out, it works in both directions. Life plays all the colors and sparkles - will easily jump up in the morning. Or ... would be easy to jump up in the morning - and life sparkles
! Lightweight power. For future changes we will need an enormous amount of enegrii. Perhaps now it is spent on it to maintain our body in a normal functioning state, despite the influence of alcohol, cigarettes, hard fatty foods, pastries, sweet ... Everyone has a list of these weaknesses underline. More precisely, as appropriate. You can choose the kind of food that you think right. I believe in vegetarianism and raw food. But one thing I know for sure: alcohol, crisps, sugary drinks, convenience foods, junk food does not fit into any concept of healthy eating. So it all - delete. The portions - reduce, and not load up before going to bed. The rest - listen to your body, or a nutritionist. The most important thing - not to burden themselves super-task for the removal of toxins and digestion. On the contrary, it is as easy as possible fate feed light, healthy, delicious food. He will be happy, and you - the energy for action
. Sport. This is my favorite and most required. I do not tire of repeating - the tone and health of the physical body - a prerequisite for spiritual health. A movement is known - lives. So, in order to awaken the life (and spirit) in the mouth of the body, it is necessary to stir up! Any suitable way to you. My options - yoga, running and dancing. Try every day to move more in any form: to dance in front of the mirror, going to work; abandon the elevator and take the stairs; to organize a full-fledged street workout in the gym, it does not matter.
Week 2: Cleaning of space affairs and environment
Shoe space. Throw away all! Push on the mezzanine - is not considered. Restore order in all the corners on all the tables in all the cabinets, in all places. Think - every item in your home takes not only a piece of the place, but also a piece of your energy. Each, even the smallest! It's worth it? In time I was so absorbed by this method that made the trash almost all their belongings. Leave only really useful and necessary things, things that are pleasing to you, that inspire, that you love. Thin point - if you still keep the bear, which has presented the favorite by 14 February 1998, and for a long time with a loved parted - so "positive" memories not a place near you. Dispose without thinking! You'll see - it will be easier to breathe. Especially if you wipe all dust and clean the floor.
Cleaning Affairs and liabilities. Remember how many years you want to learn English. How much promise to call in New Gadyukino Aunt Masha? And how many items you plan out New Year's years were transferred to each new list? Remember all these promises made to ourselves and others. And decide what to do with them. The options, in fact, are two: (1) make, (2) give them up forever, forever to delete from your list. But if you can not delete Aunt Masha - go straight tomorrow. Take the case, instead of dragging a burden of responsibility and frustration is the same.
Cleaning the environment. Finish all the relationships that pull you back into depression. Refuse to communicate with those who have always criticized and always dissatisfied with everything. With those, who does not have anything in common. With those who have nothing to learn. And learn to leave, to learn to say "no." Allow yourself to be "ungrateful", "ill-mannered", "crazy", "bitch" - if that's the price of freedom. Exception - parents. With them, in my opinion, it is necessary to establish the relationship. As hard as it was not.
Week 3. The plans, goals and dreams
Write and execute plans. We just stayed the same to-do list from the previous week. How did he to you? It is joy, enthusiasm and desire to immediately roll up their sleeves? If not, you may want to erase from him a few more points. Or - to perform them, and then strike. In both cases, you will find a surge of strength and will to live. And yet - to add something that makes everything inside the freeze in anticipation. Remember that you love, or loved once. Do not forget to plan not only the work and money, but also leisure time with friends and loved ones, time for yourself (this item forever forget all). It is necessary to write a plan that will want to perform, which will shake the knees and hands to itch. All - time. Write from your life book that you would be interested to read themselves. And in this book to add a specific time frame and concrete steps.
List unbelievable. One of my favorite exercises. I exercised it until now, and getting bolder each time (although it would seem much longer?). It is this: write a list of your dreams that never come true. Well, such steep and so exorbitant that their execution can not believe the word absolutely. These include world domination and the desire to climb Everest (as you already 89 years old). Turn off the criticism and imagine all the possibilities of the world at your feet, you just snap your fingers .. There are time, money, all the right connections, have all the talent you need. That would be like? By the way, my first list unrealizable, written in February 2014, at the moment come true entirely. And I still funny how modest it seemed to me doing "incredibly».
Plan on a daily basis. Every evening, write a plan for the next day. Short, rough, whatever - but the plan should be. And in the evening - this is important. Even if the next day you will never think about the existence of this plan, your productivity will increase significantly. Checked! And another thing: do not forget to look into the global plan and ask yourself the question - Are you moving to? And where to? Did you move anywhere at all? And why?
Week 4. Expanding
border Try to live differently. The most that neither is the little things. Go to work the new road. View unfamiliar cafe or in a very expensive store. Try a new sport. Try to do what you've never done. Every day, doing the usual chores, ask yourself - right now I can do a little bit differently? We need to create the habit of trying new things, gradually leave the beaten path.
Out of the comfort zone. Of course, all of the previous items, if you really fulfill them - is not weak out of the comfort zone. But here we go any further, let's look into the eyes of your fears. And not only see, but also to fight against them. Here I am a supporter of radical methods. Are you afraid of heights? Go skydiving. Are you afraid of the boss - the boss to go with fresh innovations. Are you afraid of unfamiliar companies - ahead to a party in an unfamiliar company. And alone, not to hide behind talking with a girlfriend / boyfriend. And we learn here in such field.
Relax. What do you think - just to work? Only holiday with compulsory leave home, must disconnect the Internet, and always alone. And the obligatory (and honest!) Feedback to yourself. What was it? How did it go, what changes have occurred? And how to live, after all this?
What awaits you in the middle of this road (do not say in the end, because it is an endless road) will exceed your expectations. In carrying out these (easy!) Things on a daily basis, by embedding them in your life, you will feel the harmony, omnipotence, see light at the end of the tunnel and the path, which indicates the right way. And over time, it will turn into the road. It sounds pathetic, but the truth - she was, pretentious girlfriend
. Source: yogawitheva.wordpress.com