What is the reason for lack of respect for parents

Before you blame anyone or disrespect for parents, find out why.
The idea arose during one of the sessions of group psychotherapy. Girl 20 years old tearfully told about the abuse that descended on her mother's side. I will not describe the details. She fled to Rostov and went to live with his older sister.
The mother demanded that her sister had driven from his home, in the hope that she was left without shelter, will be back. Sister could not disobey the mother (or maybe did not want to). My ward, however, did not come back home, I took off the corner, which greatly worsened its financial situation during its earnings.
His mother calmed down, sold the house and bought an apartment in Rostov and through non-governmental organizations in the work of my ward sought to return to her daughter. My trust developed depression, she tried to commit suicide.
On the advice of friends turned to us. At the end of the story, he said that he hated his mother. Among the participants there was one group that was her shame.
I note that the symptoms of mental illness in my ward was not. The elder sister confirmed her story. I found that she had every reason to hate her mother, because her mother was the woman who gave birth to her, but the mother psychologically and socially did not.
Another example.
A graduate of the Medical Institute is going to marry for love, for the military, which has the prospect of being sent to serve in the Far East. Mother prevent this marriage. "I live for you, and you throw me, I can not bear it." How can you love such a mother? Such examples are myriad.
Women! Do not get me wrong, I gave two examples are not very good mothers. This literary device. According to statistics, it is not very good fathers, more than mothers is not very good.
So: before you blame anyone or disrespect for parents and find out what good parents do this man. Maybe his hatred of the parents has a good reason.
Author Mikhail E. Litvak
Mature relationships: dependence, independence, interdependence
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