8 facts proving that your brain does not belong only to you

We tend to think that our thoughts belong to us and only us. And that means that all the decisions we make on their own. There are at least 8 proof that it is not. Eight facts proving that your brain does not belong only to you:
1. Facebook manipulates your mood
The largest social network of the planet recently conducted an experiment on human beings. Facebook EdgeRank command changes settings in such a way that some users have seen mostly negative posts, the other - positive. It turned out that the emotions of other people, we read the posts to Facebook, a strong influence on our mood. Researchers believe that the online messages on social networks is largely formed the emotional background in which they are active users live.
2. History of convincing facts
Experienced con artists know: if you want to convince someone that they are right - tell the story. They are better remembered than lists of facts, and have a greater impact on listeners and readers. Researchers also know that science fiction has to have a greater impact than the articles in scientific journals, it is for this very reason
. It is for this reason that we refuse to quit smoking, despite all the arguments of the doctors, because our grandfather smoked all his life and lived for 90 years.
3. The subliminal messages work
It is necessary to take our minds some interesting content, as we have barely able to filter the messages in the tickers, banners and various advertisements. Subliminal messages work well and have proved by researchers from the Netherlands.
4. The smartest of us always believe
authoritative sources The more intelligent people think to yourself, the easier it is to trust the information from sources, which we consider authoritative. For this reason, people are easily fooled, if some of the facts of the screen will say "Professor", "doctor", "priest" or
"expert". Social psychologist Stephen Greenspan convinced that the intelligence of any person subject to the strong influence of social pressure. If a lot of people consider someone credible, we are more likely to also consider it as such.
Another good way to gain the trust of the people - to convince them that, taking advantage of new information or supporting a new idea, they become richer
. 5. Fonts credible
In 2012, columnist NewYork Times Errol Morris proved that people are more inclined to trust the information that comes to them in the form of text with good font. This may seem strange, but the handwriting and text messages really affect the way people believe it's message or not.
6. We are inclined to commit crimes that make our friends and neighbors
Everything is simple: there is strong evidence that the crime rate is increasing faster in those areas where it is above average. Teen easier to break another window in the house, if he sees the broken glass in the neighborhood. In areas where there is graffiti on the walls, new figures appear in a few weeks, if no one will paint.
The same, incidentally, happens, and when we hurt ourselves. Slightly beaten or even scratched the cover on the phone do so subconsciously we want to destroy it quickly.
7. The size of a plate influences the amount eaten
The larger the plate, with which we eat, the more we usually eat. People accustomed to large cutlery, eat lunch for almost 13% on average longer than those who eat from smaller plates. The average size of the plates used by Americans increased by 25% over the past 15 years, miraculously coincided with the epidemic of obesity in developed countries.
8. Colors affect all
Experienced marketers and business people know that consumer behavior in the store can be seriously affected, just paint the walls of its interior. Warm colors such as brown and red, cause us to physically feel more secure. If these colors wall hypermarket, there is a high probability that you will buy more than you need. Or at least in the room will spend more time than planned.
Using the cool colors of the interior design saves on air conditioning. If the plate has the same color as the main course, you eat more.
In 2000, in Glasgow, we conducted an experiment to replace the usual light of street lamps on lights, favoring blue tint. Blue, as scientists believe, has a calming effect. Crime in the areas in which to replace the lamp in the lamp, has declined sharply. This same pattern was followed by Japan. There have even calculated what blue streetlights reduce the number of serious crimes by 9%
. Blue lights in the subway reduce the number of suicides on the railway platform.
Author: Konstantin Shiyan