Bodily card fears
"From what age I can remember?" If each of us enforces the issue, you will hear, of course, different figures, but it most likely will be about the age of 3-5 years. With this age begin our conscious memory - the child has mastered it, he has a so-called "stream of thought", it collects information about the world and analyzes ...
But the identity of the person can not be reduced to one only "intelligent consciousness' - our life does not begin after 3 years, and from the moment of conception. And then it begins to fill our memory. Just at this moment it is not yet conscious and - emotional. And everything that happens to us since the merger sex parent cells, deposited in our unconscious.
Emotions can feel already the embryo - even barely formed. Simply, they still quite primitive - but strong. And one of the basic experiences available in the womb of mother - fear. Carry out such research: during an abortion record the behavior of the embryo. And it turned out that his reaction coincides with the manifestations of fear: it is compressed and attempts to escape, move rudimentary limbs - only here to run him nowhere ... That is, although neither a speech which consciousness can not be here, the embryo feels everything that goes with it - and remembers.
One of the basic laws of body-oriented psychotherapy, says: "The body remembers everything." The memories of everything that happened to us is stored in our body, including - about our feelings. The body can be compared to the attic, which is sent to all the things that you do not want to see in the house. And as the mistress shouts: "I do not want to see this junk here, take it to the attic!" - And settle in our body all the feelings that our consciousness does not want to see myself, that is to admit. In psychology this is called displacement mechanism: in the unconscious displaced by painful experiences, thoughts, memories ... including, of course, and fears
. But as the chair will not go away from home, if it is to move from the living room to the attic, and feelings will not go away if they just do not pay attention. They tend to return to consciousness, remind yourself - and do so through illness. And most physical ailments - a consequence of repressed feelings of Consciousness. Where in the body settled feeling - there appears a painful symptom. It's like a signal of the feeling: "Look at me!»
In fact, as the senses are settled through the body, there are laws. And we offer you today a little poissledovat own fears - where they live and what is that in your body
. You can create a map of their individual bodily fears. To do this you will need: a white sheet of paper and drawing tools (except for any pens and felt-tip pens). Our experiment is carried out in steps:
Draw your body - as a whole, the entire figure. Artistic ability is of no importance!
And now listen to your real body. Cover your eyes, try to feel good all the time your body: how it feels? Is it comfortable? heat? tense or relaxed it .. And now, continuing to feel your whole body odnvoremenno, ask yourself: "Where is my body lives in fear," Perhaps you will need to recall a situation where you are afraid. And some parts of the body to attract your attention - as if "pomashut handle." Remember them.
And now mark the place in the picture - where in your body is fear. This portion may be one - or more. The right and left sides of the body may be quite different. In addition, the fear can be expressed somewhere more somewhere less - you can display it in the picture by using different colors. Remember that the bodily senses card is always individual, there can be no right or wrong choices!
And now - the transcript, some universal laws with which you can relate your experience and increase knowledge about their own fears
. 1. If you live in fear of the legs, it indicates a lack of support in the life of stability, the unconscious feeling of "I'm not one to rely on," "Do not stand firmly on its feet." There is a lack of stability, there is no confidence - in themselves, the world tomorrow ...
2.Taz indicates fears in the sexual sphere. Settling there, they can both lead to disease and interfere with healthy orgasmic discharge: according to research, the majority of women, and in different countries, faking an orgasm. And for this anorgasmia are primarily fears.
3. abdominal lives fear for life, not for nothing is the same root word. Fear settled there in life-threatening situations - it could not be real, just perceived. And though the danger has passed, for the Unconscious, it still relevant - it is constantly on guard, pure relaxation and a sense of security are available
. 4. The area of the diaphragm, including the stomach and solar plexus: they have settled the social fears, that is related to the social life. Embarrassment, shyness, timidity, modesty - are manifestations of our social fears "not fit", "to be rejected by society» ...
5.Grudnaya cell: holds the fear of loneliness, fear of "rejection of me as a person", in contrast to the fear of "rejection of me as a member of society", which was in step 4. Deep in the chest sitting sensation of "irregularities", "unworthy", "disability". The belief "I'm a bad, so I'll be rejected by the world».
6.Ruki says about fear contact with the world, because at the unconscious level, it is perceived as hostile, unavailable. Scary world as a whole - and for this there is no logical explanation, arguments, is an emotional feeling. Therefore, people with such installation prefer to choose a profession, requiring a minimum of contact with the world: a computer monitor, etc.
Brushes that fear concretize the world - they signal about the communication problems that is associated with communication. Indoor installation is this: "The world as a whole, may not hostile, but certainly some people - just." The right hand shows the fear of men, the left - women (the right and left side of the drawn figures are determined as if it were a mirror, not a photograph)
. 7.Spina - fear of being imperfect, does not live up to expectations. Usually means the perfectionism. Of course, such a person has a chance to achieve the heights - but it is even more likely that any of his impulses, he will slow down for fear of mistaken
. Shoulders symbolize strength and responsibility. Therefore, there settles the fear of being poor as well - not cope with the responsibility
. 8. NECK - the fear to express, to show their feelings. Such people often have problems with the throat: persistent sore throat, scratchy, compression feeling ... They say high-pitched voice, a little child, and complain that they can not sing. This is due to the constant tension in the neck, as soon as in the breast begin to rise feelings to come out, the neck is compressed, keeping everything inside. Outwardly they may seem insensitive, but in a raging storm of passion - simply can not go outside
. 9. The face - the fear of "losing face." Such people attach great importance to what people think about them and how they are perceived. They need to be loved, accepted, approved - and all. Because of this we have to wear masks, and very different - they are usually large and diverse arsenal. But! - Behind the masks is easy to lose yourself this. As in the joke - "Chameleon looked in the mirror and thought - what color it take ...»
10. Eyes - one of the main channels of perception, so when there is an unconscious fear of reality, unwillingness to see the truth and to recognize reality for what it is, he settles there. And in many cases blurred vision - a manifestation of the unconscious position: "I do not want to see it!" This is an attempt, like the ostrich hiding his head in the sand - and the efficiency is about the same problems do not disappear ...
It's just a little research, but perhaps it will help a little bit to expand the knowledge of themselves and come into contact with your body, feelings, their fears. After all, when we repress feelings, then it is they own us. But when we turn to face them and recognize them in ourselves, then we own them. And then, as the Venetian carnival, you can call out to his fear:
- Mask, I know you!
Author: Irina Solovyova
But the identity of the person can not be reduced to one only "intelligent consciousness' - our life does not begin after 3 years, and from the moment of conception. And then it begins to fill our memory. Just at this moment it is not yet conscious and - emotional. And everything that happens to us since the merger sex parent cells, deposited in our unconscious.

Emotions can feel already the embryo - even barely formed. Simply, they still quite primitive - but strong. And one of the basic experiences available in the womb of mother - fear. Carry out such research: during an abortion record the behavior of the embryo. And it turned out that his reaction coincides with the manifestations of fear: it is compressed and attempts to escape, move rudimentary limbs - only here to run him nowhere ... That is, although neither a speech which consciousness can not be here, the embryo feels everything that goes with it - and remembers.
One of the basic laws of body-oriented psychotherapy, says: "The body remembers everything." The memories of everything that happened to us is stored in our body, including - about our feelings. The body can be compared to the attic, which is sent to all the things that you do not want to see in the house. And as the mistress shouts: "I do not want to see this junk here, take it to the attic!" - And settle in our body all the feelings that our consciousness does not want to see myself, that is to admit. In psychology this is called displacement mechanism: in the unconscious displaced by painful experiences, thoughts, memories ... including, of course, and fears
. But as the chair will not go away from home, if it is to move from the living room to the attic, and feelings will not go away if they just do not pay attention. They tend to return to consciousness, remind yourself - and do so through illness. And most physical ailments - a consequence of repressed feelings of Consciousness. Where in the body settled feeling - there appears a painful symptom. It's like a signal of the feeling: "Look at me!»
In fact, as the senses are settled through the body, there are laws. And we offer you today a little poissledovat own fears - where they live and what is that in your body
. You can create a map of their individual bodily fears. To do this you will need: a white sheet of paper and drawing tools (except for any pens and felt-tip pens). Our experiment is carried out in steps:

Draw your body - as a whole, the entire figure. Artistic ability is of no importance!
And now listen to your real body. Cover your eyes, try to feel good all the time your body: how it feels? Is it comfortable? heat? tense or relaxed it .. And now, continuing to feel your whole body odnvoremenno, ask yourself: "Where is my body lives in fear," Perhaps you will need to recall a situation where you are afraid. And some parts of the body to attract your attention - as if "pomashut handle." Remember them.
And now mark the place in the picture - where in your body is fear. This portion may be one - or more. The right and left sides of the body may be quite different. In addition, the fear can be expressed somewhere more somewhere less - you can display it in the picture by using different colors. Remember that the bodily senses card is always individual, there can be no right or wrong choices!
And now - the transcript, some universal laws with which you can relate your experience and increase knowledge about their own fears
. 1. If you live in fear of the legs, it indicates a lack of support in the life of stability, the unconscious feeling of "I'm not one to rely on," "Do not stand firmly on its feet." There is a lack of stability, there is no confidence - in themselves, the world tomorrow ...
2.Taz indicates fears in the sexual sphere. Settling there, they can both lead to disease and interfere with healthy orgasmic discharge: according to research, the majority of women, and in different countries, faking an orgasm. And for this anorgasmia are primarily fears.
3. abdominal lives fear for life, not for nothing is the same root word. Fear settled there in life-threatening situations - it could not be real, just perceived. And though the danger has passed, for the Unconscious, it still relevant - it is constantly on guard, pure relaxation and a sense of security are available
. 4. The area of the diaphragm, including the stomach and solar plexus: they have settled the social fears, that is related to the social life. Embarrassment, shyness, timidity, modesty - are manifestations of our social fears "not fit", "to be rejected by society» ...
5.Grudnaya cell: holds the fear of loneliness, fear of "rejection of me as a person", in contrast to the fear of "rejection of me as a member of society", which was in step 4. Deep in the chest sitting sensation of "irregularities", "unworthy", "disability". The belief "I'm a bad, so I'll be rejected by the world».
6.Ruki says about fear contact with the world, because at the unconscious level, it is perceived as hostile, unavailable. Scary world as a whole - and for this there is no logical explanation, arguments, is an emotional feeling. Therefore, people with such installation prefer to choose a profession, requiring a minimum of contact with the world: a computer monitor, etc.
Brushes that fear concretize the world - they signal about the communication problems that is associated with communication. Indoor installation is this: "The world as a whole, may not hostile, but certainly some people - just." The right hand shows the fear of men, the left - women (the right and left side of the drawn figures are determined as if it were a mirror, not a photograph)
. 7.Spina - fear of being imperfect, does not live up to expectations. Usually means the perfectionism. Of course, such a person has a chance to achieve the heights - but it is even more likely that any of his impulses, he will slow down for fear of mistaken
. Shoulders symbolize strength and responsibility. Therefore, there settles the fear of being poor as well - not cope with the responsibility
. 8. NECK - the fear to express, to show their feelings. Such people often have problems with the throat: persistent sore throat, scratchy, compression feeling ... They say high-pitched voice, a little child, and complain that they can not sing. This is due to the constant tension in the neck, as soon as in the breast begin to rise feelings to come out, the neck is compressed, keeping everything inside. Outwardly they may seem insensitive, but in a raging storm of passion - simply can not go outside
. 9. The face - the fear of "losing face." Such people attach great importance to what people think about them and how they are perceived. They need to be loved, accepted, approved - and all. Because of this we have to wear masks, and very different - they are usually large and diverse arsenal. But! - Behind the masks is easy to lose yourself this. As in the joke - "Chameleon looked in the mirror and thought - what color it take ...»
10. Eyes - one of the main channels of perception, so when there is an unconscious fear of reality, unwillingness to see the truth and to recognize reality for what it is, he settles there. And in many cases blurred vision - a manifestation of the unconscious position: "I do not want to see it!" This is an attempt, like the ostrich hiding his head in the sand - and the efficiency is about the same problems do not disappear ...
It's just a little research, but perhaps it will help a little bit to expand the knowledge of themselves and come into contact with your body, feelings, their fears. After all, when we repress feelings, then it is they own us. But when we turn to face them and recognize them in ourselves, then we own them. And then, as the Venetian carnival, you can call out to his fear:
- Mask, I know you!
Author: Irina Solovyova