Strong attraction method for pleasant events into your life
This is a very powerful method that helps to attract a lot of pleasant events into your life. "Living with the installation of gratitude, we can change a lot in the world. When we forget about gratitude, it is very easy to deviate from its purpose ", - says Joe Vitale
. When you are successful, rich, happy and healthy, you can be thankful for all that, but what do you do if your life is full of problems? For what thanks, when it seems that all terrible?
If you think of it, a reason for gratitude is still there.
Try to find joy in the simplest things:
- I am grateful that I live
. - I have relatives (a loved one, children - do continue this list ...)
. - I have friends (at least one close friend or girlfriend for sure there!)
. - I enjoy socializing with interesting people. (Again - if they did not exist on the horizon, looking for, and they are there)
. - I have a roof over your head (no matter their homes or removable, big house or a modest odnushka)
. - I have a computer with Internet access (and so, if you're reading this)
. - I have a desire for success and prosperity (or maybe you are already successful and rich, but even if you are still only on the way to it, too cool!!)
. - I have a favorite work (if it is not - then there is at least a job that feeds you, and more - you probably have a hobby for the soul)
. - I know how to enjoy the sun, the birds singing and the smiles of passers
. - I thank fate and God for each passing day, because it brings me so much discoveries
! If you make a habit of keeping a diary of gratitude, then you each day will find more joy in your life.
. When you are successful, rich, happy and healthy, you can be thankful for all that, but what do you do if your life is full of problems? For what thanks, when it seems that all terrible?
If you think of it, a reason for gratitude is still there.
Try to find joy in the simplest things:
- I am grateful that I live
. - I have relatives (a loved one, children - do continue this list ...)
. - I have friends (at least one close friend or girlfriend for sure there!)
. - I enjoy socializing with interesting people. (Again - if they did not exist on the horizon, looking for, and they are there)
. - I have a roof over your head (no matter their homes or removable, big house or a modest odnushka)
. - I have a computer with Internet access (and so, if you're reading this)
. - I have a desire for success and prosperity (or maybe you are already successful and rich, but even if you are still only on the way to it, too cool!!)
. - I have a favorite work (if it is not - then there is at least a job that feeds you, and more - you probably have a hobby for the soul)
. - I know how to enjoy the sun, the birds singing and the smiles of passers
. - I thank fate and God for each passing day, because it brings me so much discoveries
! If you make a habit of keeping a diary of gratitude, then you each day will find more joy in your life.