Alex Voivod - an experiment on himself

After the New Year we so often give myself to start a new life. And if you remember the winged "- We are what we eat", the recipe for a "new life" of the two-time Olympic champion Alexei Governors may prove very useful
. In an interview with «Sovsport.ru« famous bobsledder tells how, tired of fighting obesity, has become raw foodists, and then - a vegetarian, and proves that the meat - not a product, but a fraud
. - Alex, how do you come to this? What could make a man, at such high loads, give up meat? You someone convinced?
- I just faced the fact: I had to adjust their weight to act as a team. We partner were to weigh 220 kg - for two, along with equipment. I weighed about 117, 5-118 kg. And before the race I had a tough time to drive weight. But as? I just do not eat anything. This is a big problem. When you do not eat, you develop apathy, fatigue ... And when stress is applied to the stress - the result can only be a very bad
. - And you did not try to pick up a diet
? - I tried, of course. At first I chose a Kremlin diet - is 85% of protein per day. She had, as it turned out, a lot of side effects. The constant intoxication, the same lethargy, I could not sleep properly, one followed the other. And then somehow it happened that I stumbled upon Ugolev academic and found in his books as if the logical justification of what we, the people, being herbivores ...
- "The theory of adequate nutrition»
. - Yes. And life, as I have long been convinced - the global experiment. We are constantly experimenting, for example, training methods, so that the same technique can not be constantly cultivated. Same thing here. To cultivate a type of food I do not intend to, I just say that I have tried myself personally.
So, I started on raw foodists three months. Eating fruits and vegetables, drinking water is normal, and the abandoned tea and coffee. And I trained. But the results I did not grow up, but the weight has fallen to "mark" 110, 5. That is, just in the same range, which I needed. I left fat and muscle were. I thought, "Yes, it's great really!". And there was a lightness ...
five o'clock enough sleep, you wake up sleepy, but then again - and you walk a day is normal. You become somehow more elastic. I sat in the lotus position - I do yoga - and could not sit in the lotus position ... And then immediately sat down. Raw food diet increases the elasticity of the joints, and it's pretty cool. But then still had to give up a raw food diet, because professional athletes are very necessary amino acids ...
The protein - it is a toxic element. If you feed your own microflora, it gives us all that is needed ... The extra protein is important, but if it is - vegetable protein, then it is two times less toxins than the animal. Plus vegetable protein digested faster ... Actually, when I became a raw-foodists, the first two weeks were absolutely terrible, and then it was good to me.
I understood what saturation, and what overeating. But when I became a vegetarian, not raw foodists, I began to grow in the sport results. So for me personally, this experiment was a success. I originally took it not as a limitation, it was a real experiment. I do it myself over a set ...
- When you go to Sochi on the waterfront, and to have heard the smoke from the barbecue - you are experiencing this
? - Smokey Caucasian shashlik at me does not work, sorry. Because just as you can marinate the mushrooms, and the smell is the same, no difference. Most importantly, as you marinate, and how. The secret is in the marinade. Try to cut a piece of raw meat and eat - this is the real meat taste. All the rest - a chemically modified product type ...
If the taste of raw tomatoes, you know, you can it to fry - you know the taste of roasted tomatoes, while the raw meat flavor none at all ... If the product is such a wonderful and delicious, it must be delicious in any form, including raw, without bogus . Therefore, I have no meat does not bother my life. I do not impose my experience, in any case.
In addition, as a man, to fully explore the topic of vegetarianism, I can tell you that we have a small stomach, long intestine. We are really more like on the digestive system, not carnivorous, and herbivorous.
Primates, assume gorilla, use 100% thermally unprocessed food ... They have a really well developed microflora, they are enough of those trace elements that it synthesizes.
We kill ourselves a certain amount of time, then go on a vegetable diet and naively believe - today's start there cucumbers, tomatoes, and all will be well. No! To arrive in pristine condition in which we should have been, if adequately fed from birth, it is necessary years 12-15 ...
- And how about looking your breakfast, lunch and dinner
? - I almost did not eat breakfast. Juice smoothies. Lunch - salad, I love salads, a variety of. And for dinner I can have vegetable soup. If I go to a restaurant - in Sochi restaurants serve wonderful Georgian vegetable soup. In fact there is a great variety of delicious cooked vegetable dishes. And - mushroom again. Noodles can eat. Kashi.
You can eat anything, vegetarians are very varied diet. I eat cheese, but without animal rennet. So I have a varied diet, I can not say that I suffer very much.
- And after all these years you have not eaten a single piece of meat, or fish
? - No. For five years - no. I'm three months, as I said, was the raw foodists, and - all, then I will never come back to this issue. When I realized something for myself, I no longer will never go back down ...
Author: Inessa Rasskazova
Nature heals all but cured one who helps her in this!
Whether cooking saves on pesticides in fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc.?