Vanilla cake of dates and cashew nuts with almonds
Dried Dates - 1 kg
Cashew nuts - 1 kg
Almonds sliced - 200 g
Vanilla - 1 tsp
Berries - a handful for decoration (blackberries)
Fruits (peach, melon) - a few slices for decoration
Cashews grind in a blender, large particles of nuts or nuts nesmolotye leave in the total mass. Dates of clean seed and scroll to ovoscherubke. Add sliced almonds and a pinch of vanilla and mix the resulting mass (mass obtained is very viscous, tight!). Share weight in deep shape (plate), a spoon sealed, left in the refrigerator for 2 h. Ready cake out onto a flat plate shape of (turn the deep dish), to decorate pieces of fruit (melons, peaches) and nuts, sprinkle with coconut or slivered almonds.