"Magic pendal" or as we come to the raw food diet

The past year has given us a "gift". It was a magical pendal. Magical, because the image has changed our family's life dramatically, forced to rethink many familiar concepts and helped to change the food system. I decided to share the experience. I hope that it will be useful.
This always happens unexpectedly. Ill daughter. She was 17 years old. She attended the 11th class. Prior to that, he was a healthy child, we can say unproblematic. It began something like ARD, then complication with bilateral otitis. Then, strangely enough, did not help any antibiotics. Doctors prescribe horse doses of antibiotics of wide spectrum. But to no avail. After a standard treatment in the ENT department, it had to be hospitalized again, as there was suppuration of the ear and fever.
Despite the best efforts of doctors, could not stop the process. We had to operate. Deleted sections of the skull behind the ears, it also became clogged with pus. Mastoiditis. Here I omit the description of the suffering endured by the girl. This is the strongest pain day and night for six !!! months. Bypassed all possible doctors. But even the most titled shrugged.
All they could do is just to put the shunt in both ears to the pus flowed out. We were in despair. Next worse. Started pneumonia, the body temperature of 39-40. Reduce failed. We have tried every known antibiotic. The disease progressed very quickly. The kidneys began to refuse. During the six months it had eight hospitalizations. In all hospitals, doctors operated on the same circuit.
Consilium collected only after my husband and I went to storm nachmeda and arranged in the office of the scandal with the requirement to conduct an extended examination. The diagnosis we were told the terrible. The disease called Wegener's granulomatosis. They told us that live a long time will not. It is something like a blood cancer. Not described a single case of recovery. Supposedly there is a malfunction in the body and begins to stand out a great number of white blood cells. These white blood cells aggressively destroy its own tissue. In just a few months is the destruction of vessels in all the organs, then the internal bleeding and all. The causes of the disease are not known medicine. Official medicine offers only to contain the disease by means of chemical and hormonal drugs that suppress the immune system!
This means a lifetime intake of poisons. On a normal life is not out of the question. Hormones change the appearance beyond recognition, and the consciousness of a man is always drugged. Subject to acceptance of these drugs, a person can live for a few years (five or six, rarely more). We faced a difficult choice. How to act. I knew that the doctors do not help us. The first time we took all these drugs (cyclophosphamide, MabThera, metipred et al.). And I watched after a small improvement, it all comes back again.
I felt the approach of a terrible isolation. I knew it was not an option. I found it hard to believe that a failure has occurred in a vacuum. There must be a reason. And I realized that doctors are not interested in finding the cause. They do not even have the right to deviate from the accepted scheme. A circuit is not working. Disability was appointed to her 2nd degree. Well, you say that we will not be reassuring. That such things.
Aware of the situation, we decided to act in another way. I know that in many severe cases, helps to cleanse the body. To do this, we had to stop taking drugs. This step was very difficult, because I was afraid that if the disease will cease to restrain the irreversible consequences will come very quickly. But the other choice was not and we decided on a 21-day fasting on the broth of herbs + cleansing enemas baking soda and salt.
The challenge was to maximize clean out the body from the alleged source of contamination that caused such a reaction of immunity and toxins. Doctors advised to feed the daughter of calorie and protein food! I stopped to feed her at all. Let's just drink with a teaspoon of honey or soda. Brew antifungal herbs. (Fungus her brood very much. All the bodies were packed white mucus and pus).
Oddly enough, a positive result became apparent after a few days! Already after the second enema, body temperature returned to normal! A stable 38 has already before. We continued. At first it was difficult. And then my daughter somehow become clearer view. She began to get up. On the 10th day she wanted to do the cleaning in the room. From somewhere she took power. Very surprised. And it's no food at all.
And now the most important thing. On the 16th day, along with the regular enema daughter out parasites. This dead nematodes were approximately 20 cm. These typically engage the bowel wall and does not remove without enema. That's what happens. In all probability. These worms are hanging in the lumen of the intestine and decomposed. Here it is, the reason.
Because the immune system is to protect the organism has received a signal to destroy the foreign object rotting. Therefore, the white blood cell count was much. This is not a system failure, just, appropriate response. The doctors said further that Wegener's disease in young proceeds more rapidly (immunka the young more!), But because the object that is too large, white blood cells stood out very much. In addition, eating parasites by host probably learned to deceive the defenses and the body may not always reliably detect the enemy.
And it turns out as a real war, and suffer its own cells. obviously those that have some similarity to the structure of the parasites. It is worth noting that during the ordeal of our hospitals, we have repeatedly been tested for all possible vermin. But no test was not positive! nothing was found. Receive our lab, to put it mildly, is not accurate.
Then all of us went smoothly. We safely dogolodali three weeks (enema every day). No drugs anymore. Then, drink freshly squeezed juices, and then switched to raw vegetables and fruits. Then the whole family began to adhere to such a diet. By the end of the period of fasting, the daughter of pus stopped. We were able to remove the shunts from the ears. Rumor has recovered almost completely.
And the most important blood tests began to come back to normal. In remission is not similar. Daughter is almost fully recovered. She lives a full life, leaves school, goes even gymnastics. It is unlikely that this would be possible if we continue to listen to the doctors. Ohanyan treatment system is very clear and logical. Everything in its place rises. Doctors, on the contrary, only confused us, threatened and taken away from solving problems.
Meals we try to maintain syroedcheskoe vegetable. This is a very important condition. The fact that no one is immune from parasites. But with such power, even if it gets accidentally larva, she did not have time to develop. Raw plant foods are not stagnant. Parasites also more suited dead animal food, which is a long time to digest and rots. Besides CE is more complete in terms of biochemistry.
I myself really improve on the raw food diet, got rid of chronic headaches (I was diagnosed with encephalopathy), hypertension, weight loss, joint pain and back pain. I feel much better. Her husband and other children also noted positive changes in health. Ever since switched to a raw food diet, we have not had never does. But I think that even with the power from time to time does not hurt to brush. This is a general cleaning of the body.
I understand that the majority of diseases, especially those that are considered incurable, including oncology, and diabetes, all autoimmune diseases are due to disruption of metabolism and timely conclusion of toxins from the body. If the body is clean, it repairs itself, it will not start disease-causing viruses, bacteria and parasites. And diet plays a crucial role in this process. To any sane person it is obvious. A medicine is not interested to make everyone healthy.
In our time, it has evolved into a powerful business machine. I hope for her I was no longer going. So far we have treated the daughter with the help of doctors, we have spent a few hundred thousand, even her husband had sold their car. Only the result is still not there. We almost lost the baby. And it turned out that it was necessary to treat hunger and enemas, completely free of charge.
In conclusion, I would say that is very sorry that she decided not to change before their family meals. Probably would have avoided so many torments. All the urge to study in detail the topic of food and do not be afraid to change a way of life. We as a family were convinced of the correctness of a raw food diet. And back to the traditional diet are not going to come back. Good luck to all! Especially those who are at the beginning of the path to the solution of health problems. Or someone also need a "magic pendal»?
Inna Abzalova