Eat only living food!

If a person has bad breath, gum he eats and cleans his teeth every morning. But he can not understand that the unpleasant smell from rotting processes in the stomach.
If a person has an unpleasant smell from the body, he or she used toilet water / spirits. They hope to disguise what happens to them inside and poisons the whole body. The body is just trying to get rid of toxic substances through sweat.
People often obese. And instead cleanse your body of toxins, they are trying to find a dress that will hide their shortcomings.
And the truth is this simple: In order to pleasant smell, it is necessary to eat correctly - this pattern has been repeatedly proven and confirmed. But to this day it is surprising people. Of course, everything is clear with garlic, but as for the rest - what connection can have body odor and food
? In fact, the connection does exist.
Almost everyone is deceived raw food diet can confirm that sweating had become neutral, and unpleasant smell of sweat does not appear when intense physical training or during extreme heat.
To explain this interesting fact is to compare the smell of grilled meat the day before yesterday, potatoes and pasta the day before yesterday with the smell of fresh fruit.
Of course, fresh fruit and a pleasant smell after a week, which is not the products subjected to heat treatment.
It turns out, what a person eats, the smell and feel of the allocation of the body sweat. It is necessary to take into account that the use of the product for a long time "walks" on a body - approximately 2-4 hours are found in the stomach, followed by 6 hours in the small intestine and in the colon can hold up to 15 hours or even more. And after all that food smells is far from being the way it smelled during cooking in a frying pan ...
Eat only living food! Be healthy!