✅Vitaminy (from the Latin vita -. Life) - a class of biologically active compounds, necessarily required for normal metabolism in the human body and any other animals. Independently the human body can not synthesize vitamins, so their main sources, depending on the nature of the food, the food is either or microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. The disadvantage, of any of the vitamin in the body causes vitamin deficiencies, and its absence leads to the development of beriberi -. Manifested metabolic disorders and serious diseases
✅Klassifikatsiya vitamins
To date, discovered and studied more than twenty different vitamins. But since the effect of these compounds on human metabolism has been opened to determine their chemical structure, it was originally introduced alphabetic classification - A, B, C, D, E, etc. This classification shows a chronology of the discovery of these vitamins, but absolutely does not reflect their biological and chemical nature.
Currently vitamins to refer equally successfully used their own names and letter symbols. Also used the distribution of vitamins on the basis of their solubility in water or fats:
✅Zhirorastvorimye vitamins:
• Vitamin A (synthesized in the body from provitamin - carotene, which is ingested from food only)
• Vitamin D (synthesized in our skin due to sun tanning or enters the body of the animal food) Enrich diet with vitamin winter it is appropriate raw foodists northern regions.
• Vitamin E (ingested from food only)
• VITAMIN K (mainly synthesized by intestinal microflora)
✅Vodorastvorimye vitamins:
• complex vitamins (synthesized by intestinal microflora and ingested from food)
• vitamin C (microflora is synthesized in small quantities generally ingested from food)
• Vitamin PP (synthesized by intestinal microflora and ingested from food)
Fat-soluble vitamins, the presence of a constant influx from the outside, easy to accumulate in the body, where they are depot adipose tissue and liver. Water-soluble vitamins are also in substantial amounts are not deposited, and an excess in general excreted. This feature, on the one hand explain the fact that quite common drawback of water-soluble vitamins, and the other is sometimes observed that an excess of fat-soluble vitamins.