Author Ales stories Gusev:
- It all started 5 years ago. I saw the film "Faces of Death" (part 1). A horrible sight. After that, I immediately stopped eating meat and fish in all their manifestations. It was not difficult, I just did not eat all.
Then I became interested in vegetarianism, veganism, proper nutrition. I eat right, gradually switched to veganism began to play sports. After I became a vegan, I went on a raw food diet. Out excess weight, improve your health, but the most important thing - a desire to live!
I became less sleep and better sleep. I have more time, there were the interests, dating and chat. Eventually, I started to practice fasting, which also improved the health and state as a whole.
The world has become not so gray, but the mood remains at altitude. I like to draw, take pictures, play the guitar, write poetry; volunteer, helping low-income families and children. homes, will soon begin to conduct lectures on animal protection.
In general I can say that after the transition to a food, the mood appears to be improving health, state of mind, a sense of ease and the desire to move mountains. Live a colorful life!
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