How and where to store fresh food.

Keep fruits wisely
Most fruits are not necessarily clean the refrigerator - they can be stored at room temperature. Sill in our kitchen is always decorated laid out on it with fresh fruit. So they are always on our mind and eaten faster than if they were hiding in the refrigerator. If you like to buy fruit for future use, store them in the refrigerator in specially designated sections for fruits and vegetables, where the temperature is usually kept at 8-10 ° C. Try to keep fresh fruits and vegetables in these sections to avoid peremorozit them. Supercooled vegetables and fruits lose their texture and flavor. Also there are too cold - not the most pleasant experience. The exceptions are bananas. Added to smoothies, frozen bananas taste reminiscent of ice cream. The main thing - to submit bananas in the freezer, clearing them from the skin
. The berries have a very thin skin, easy to burst and release the juice on the second day can be covered with mold. It is best to spread the berries in a single layer on a cardboard box and put into the refrigerator.
Note: ethylene
! Many fruits emit a special colorless gas ethylene, which speeds ripening of vegetables and fruits. Large amounts of ethylene produce apples, pears, bananas, figs, plums, avocado and tomatoes - they should be kept separate from other fruits and vegetables, so they are not ripe early. Or vice versa, if you want some fruit ripened quickly, put it in a package together with one of the fruits that produce ethylene.
To speed up the ripening of green tomatoes, among them lay already ripe red. A couple of apples or bananas can be put in one package with a solid avocado or kiwi - they quickly become soft
. Her Highness greens
Parsley, dill, cilantro, basil - all the greens, having stems, should be stored in the same way as the natural flowers. Cut green tufts at 0, 5-1 cm and put them in a glass of cold water. So thin leaves do not lose moisture and does not fade prematurely. Glass with fresh herbs can be put into the refrigerator.
Spinach, arugula and other leafy greens that manufacturers like tightly stuffed in plastic bags, rather quickly deteriorates during such storage. When the leaves are tightly packed in the package, they are broken, darken and fade quickly. To avoid this, wash the leaves under cold water and shake off excess moisture (well here helping out a special dryer for green). Then add the herbs in a spacious vacuum container and the lid tightly closed, store in a refrigerator.
Some recommend putting greens on top of a damp cloth inside the container.
Nuts like cold
Nuts and seeds contain a lot of vegetable fats, which tend to go rancid if not stored properly. Ideal - buy and store nuts in the shell. Then they pour enough into a glass, earthenware or plastic bowl with a sealed lid and put in a dark cool place. Use peeled nuts is much more convenient, but they deteriorate quickly, so they should always be stored in the refrigerator.
If you buy peeled nuts and seeds for the future, to extend their freshness for several months, you can use the freezer. Put nuts in a tightly closed container before use and thaw exactly the amount that you need.
Clean - the guarantee of health
At least once a month, wipe all the shelves of the refrigerator. The boxes of fruit should have a special anti-bacterial sponge pad to between fruit and a refrigerator was extra airbag that protects against mold. Cooked foods and foods with a pungent smell, try to keep in a tightly closed container, so that their flavor is not permeated the entire refrigerator.
Do not forget to monitor the freshness of the products. Do not throw away spoiled food on time - quite dangerous. The spores of mold and putrefaction bacteria can spread to other products. Therefore submit ruthlessly spoiled cucumbers and zucchini in a garbage can, or better yet try not to clog the refrigerator those products that you do not have time to time to eat.