In light of the many cities, but there is the vegan

300 thousand Israelis call themselves vegans, not eating foods derived from animals.
This - the largest number of vegans per capita in the world
. Not surprisingly, many Israeli restaurants and catering points vegetariantskoe switched to the menu, and Tel Aviv has actually become the world capital of vegan cuisine.
Harel Zakayev, the chef at the restaurant "Zaka":
"When we opened in Tel Aviv was 25 thousand vegans, now there are 40 thousand.
Tel Aviv - vegan Capital of the World "- confidently says Harel,
while the restaurant staff prepare appetizing looking vegan dishes of greens and vegetables, fried mushrooms and baked potatoes.
The restaurant boasts a beautiful and original presentation of dishes.
Nana Shrier, owner of the restaurant "Nanushka" says:
"Nanushka" - Georgian restaurant, for 15 years we do not serve here beef, chicken, fish, eggs and other animal products in them the bad energy, it is not something that should be our body. ".
Smiling Nana putting on the table flowers, satisfied visitors applauding her while she continues the story:
"We have an excellent wine, the Georgian chacha, delicious food without meat - all this makes our customers happier."
Visitors dancing after eating with plates in their hands,
and the cook "Nanushki" Tal Dadon says with a smile, slicing tomatoes, "now I Stuff zucchini quinoa with tomatoes and greens, quinoa an excellent substitute for meat
. After baking in the oven with salt and red pepper it is incredibly tasty. »
Uri Mizrahi, the owner of an Indian restaurant "Rupee", vigorously says, "When we opened the restaurant five years ago, our clients were exclusively vegetarian. But over time people have changed and switched to veganism.
We felt that we have to keep up with the changes and become vegan restaurant.
Sometimes we go to India, to touch the roots, find inspiration and new dishes. For example, we brought out "jacket" - it is like meatballs, but no meat "Under his story chefs molded balls and fried and served with chickpeas, rice and Indian sauces and spices.