Autumn and winter squash

Autumn and winter squash - a real feast for the fans to look after their "second heart", ie liver. Relatively cheap, but at the same time as valuable composition, juicy product rich taste and many varieties. Pumpkin respect for the excellent shelf life outside the refrigerator - this makes it possible to cook seasonal pies, hearty soups, juices and unusual until March. After all, if the stock durum and keep the pumpkin in a dry, cool place, it will please you to the spring.
But most importantly, remember - if the herbal product has the ability to be stored for a long time and be difficult to putrid processes, it will definitely have a powerful antibacterial effect, and sometimes anthelmintic. Pumpkin is just - and parasites rides with success, and the pathogenic fungal flora in the gut "cleaned up»
. Here you have the recipe for a delicious warming drink and choleretic (for 2 persons):
Pumpkin juice 200ml
Semerenko juice 200ml apple
warmed vegetable milk (almond, oat, spelled) 200 ml with spices cinnamon clove + ginger +
Mix all ingredients in a blender.
Done! A great way to start the day;)
Tatiana Fialkova