Cafe "zhirtrest" will appear in Moscow in the spring.

In good I had to pass by this news, but I can not. In Moscow in the spring will be a cafe
«zhirtrest". If you've seen a fantastic very emotional lecture by British chef Jamie Oliver to Ted, you know terrible Americans mortality statistics due to malnutrition. If you have not seen - look. Oliver starts his lecture with the words: "for the next 18 minutes, I'm going to talk to you, 4 Americans will die from the food they consume."
4 people for 18 minutes, these figures inspire fear in me, and should strike fear in every person on earth. 5 or 6 years ago in the United States opened a cafe «The Heart Attack Grill» ( «Heart Attack"), the idea of fast food is very simple: people are obese eat for free, attention - BESPLTANO and waitresses are dressed in costumes of nurses. Ridiculous? no. Scary - yes
! I then thought that the world is gradually losing his mind and was very happy that in my country there is nothing like this, and the statistics on obesity have been so high.
But just 5 years - and in the news, I see that in Moscow will be a cafe "zhirtrest" where people will pass face control at the entrance - weighing. Weigh more than 100 kg? Come on. Less - sorry. "The menu we include only nedieticheskie Russian cuisine. And along the lines of the table set the conveyor belt, on which visitors will come to the food. So no need to go to nowhere "- said the restaurateur." Ridiculous? No. Scary? Yes!
Russia is already the 4th place in the world for obesity.
According to the Academy of Medical Sciences in Russia today, 60% of women and 50% of men older than 30 years suffer from excess weight, 30% - obesity. These are huge figures that every year only grow.
People move less and eat more horrible greasy junk food.
You can talk to me, to live at all bad, you can go out - slip, fall and die ... Yes, you can, but you can kill yourself every day with their own hands. When, finally, you have already understand that a heart attack - it's not what happens to a neighbor or grandparents 70 years. A heart attack can catch any, even in 25 and 30, anyone who is obese.
You - this is what you eat.
These words may sound snobbish as you like, but you can not spit on their own health. You can not spit on their children's health. It is necessary to teach the culture of power, it is necessary to say, what is good and what is bad. It is necessary from an early age to teach children to treat food seriously and with respect.
I struggle with malnutrition as I can, fight in his little world, I conduct preventive conversations with friends and family.
Somebody listens attentively, someone laughing, someone does not believe, but even if one person to listen to you - it is already a success. Word of mouth works, talk with their friends, they will pass on to friends chain.
Obesity - a disease from which we are able to fight on their own.
Cabbage - it does not taste good, broccoli - a beautiful green vegetables, carrots and apples bunch of vitamins, buckwheat - it is useful, whole grain pasta - it is very tasty. A lot of sugar - it is bad, fatty and heavily fried - bad fast food - bad
. It's not hard to remember, it is difficult to apply in practice.
But it is necessary to try - and you will be surprised the results. We are not a flock of sheep, we can and must change the habits that are killing us.
Irina Babloyan