When you begin to live in harmony with nature, then miraculously begin to change - immediately begin to fall away all flimsy and imposed by the city habits, leave the thoughts of others
. It is when you get to the natural to the human environment, you realize that most of what people do in the city - is nonsense, useless exercises that require time and attention, and how-to open your eyes and begin to wonder: "Why do I do All this is done ??? »
Living in nature will automatically start to eat right, eat more healthy food, grown on the ground, without the addition of large amounts of chemicals. The body of this immediately responds - ceases to be sick, that there is no need for pills, and less sweating (meaning, of course, the food without eating meat). As a result, the need to take a hot shower every day, too, disappears.
Completely changing attitude to fashion. Rather such a thing just self-destructs. How much was strange - to dress, as dictated by your friend !!!
So why is this happening?
Why do we cease to love and accept ourselves as we are? And we try yourself constantly "adjust»?
This happens because in the modern civilized world dominated by artificially imposed introduced by from out of the way, which is imperceptibly vtyuhivayut us from all sides through glossy magazines, movies, magazines, fashion shows, television, media, etc.
This is an image of long legs, high heels, clean-shaven individual, fashionable hairstyles, long nails for women and polished men, neckties, eyelash extensions, cool cars, big bust on the rollout, short skirts and tight jeans.
People are beginning to try to match it imposed a way - beginning to work more to buy something pomodnee, expensive car, more like in beauty salons, eat in good restaurants to create the image ...
Chasing, chasing, chasing ... And where? For what?
When leaving the city, you fall out of this egregore, ie disconnected from this image, and everything falls into place. You begin to understand that many of your actions are meaningless.
JUST COME TO THE NATURE OF AWARENESS ON HOW MUCH THE SAME LIFE IN THE CITY unnatural for man, how much is there fogged brain, consciousness FILLED ABSOLUTELY NOT the information he stops to think, making fuss and ALWAYS THINK ABOUT UNNECESSARY trifle.
In the cities, people do not belong to himself - he belongs to the system. Only by living in nature begin to understand what is to live freely!