Many of us at intervals up to a hundred times a day complaining about the fact that we were not satisfied with the condition of our skin, hair and nails. The drying of the skin, so that it is exposed to irritation and premature aging, dull hair that does not look like the ones that the girls in advertising ... Although you have purchased the advertised shampoo. Nails that break and not only spoil the evening, but the tights. Life sometimes seems to be a complete failure, because the woman's mood depends on our appearance.
Perhaps your body is merely asks carotene.
What carotene and how it is useful?
Carotene - a substance that is extremely important for the female beauty. Its name comes from the Latin "carota" - carrots, because namely carotene in carrots contains more than in other products. In carotene has two isomers: alpha or beta-carotene. We, the girls are more interested in the second isomer. After all, he gives us:
healthy radiant skin;
well-groomed hair shiny;
solid and smooth the nail plate.
In addition, beta-carotene is an excellent antioxidant, since inhibits the production of free radicals. The daily requirement of the human body in beta-carotene is 1, 8-5 mg.
In addition to carrots beta-carotene is also contained in the following products:
red pepper;
black currant;
grapefruits and others.
Extracts of carrot, rich in beta-carotene, are part of many cosmetic products (moisturizing creams, shampoos, nail care). However, carotenes, synthetically prepared, never be compared to obtain substances from natural products.
Carotene and health
Scientific research has proven immunostimulatory effects of beta-carotene, as it protects the immune system from destruction by free radicals.
Dear girls! Your best friends - it is not diamonds, not even those who can give them to you. First, shoot your best friends carrots, pumpkins and persimmons, and you will immediately feel the care of nature. After all, she gave us everything to be beautiful.
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