I never ate fruit more than 20 days in a row.

With more were as follows: 15-20 days, fruits and vegetables, the same 15-20 + fish, coffee, sushi, chocolate. It alternated indefinitely. Years 2-3. For me it is really a long time :) It seems correct to say that the habit is formed in 21 days. Even when I was in Thailand 3 months last winter was the same. I went along with the favorite. We thought just now come to Tai and will only eat fruit. With the sun over your head is actually easier. Not even with the sun, and when it's warm. But it was all the same. I drank coconuts and watermelons 20 days, and then came a variety of seafood. In Thailand, easier to eat fish and shrimp, as then drunk insane amount of watermelons, coconuts and then, and the body with respect to anything. Physically. But the mood is not so beautiful as when I drink only coconuts for example. :) And not getting there for a simple reason. Personally, I have the simple. I'm usually drawn to the food when I experienced a variety of emotions. Fear, frustration, joy. Hello from my childhood! This I later realized when worked through a variety of problems with a psychologist or until something came himself. Where did this and why that.
When I was small and there was a feast with gifts (New Year, birthday) I had a sweet table and toys. And it is very pleasant emotions. Especially when you gave LEGO :) That is why in my family club is now so much LEGO and I try to buy it as much as possible. When I was sad or bad-me, too, I gave some food. To calm. It vsyo powerful anchor. That is why I personally have happened like this: I am angry -idu have me cool and well - I go there, I'm upset -idu there. It seems everything is simple with one hand- Eat fruits and vegetables, and eventually all this will take place. But the anchor is so powerful that the forces did not resist. I'm not even talking about the anger or frustration. I'm talking about joy and happiness. Like positive emotions, why they stick? It was the same with work. Especially working on himself. It is even worse, because business (albeit small, but thy mother!) Because of this, it becomes still worse. A business without disruption of timing, force majeure, variety is not very positive circumstances do not happen! By the way, I have just talked about work. This is complete nonsense, that the work to someone You're a slave. This is absurd. You just need to find the right employer (yes, of 5 per cent?). But still. Currently I'm building a business from 0, it first opened, I hope we will succeed with his beloved, our family club will thrive! And I have been working in parallel in a single Internet-project commercial director. Well, as commercial director, is there call me that. I essentially Sales Manager, Customer Service Specialist. But either way :) So the sales director's attitude there is to me very well and I have a percentage of sales are very good. And I have a free schedule and remote. The main thing to find the right employer. Such small. So I am and to their employees. They are not slaves to me, meat, labor, and partners. And the conditions for them are the best. Personally I run to them for fruit and chocolate, etc. Alas, they do not fruktoriatsny me and I make them I can not :) But someone does not eat meat for a long time. Everyone has their own personal choice. People are good and those and those. It is not even discussed. You can not judge a person just by what he eats - this is nonsense
. So, work on yourself, or for someone else. To succeed you need a good mood, powerful energy efficiency. I do not open any truth, all have long been written about this more than once. I just tell my personal experience :)
When you are in such a state - it's much easier. I have noticed a direct and easy communication inter- want & gt; think & gt; get. Everything is very simple. When John Kehoe wrote in his book Quantum Warrior (by the way I highly recommend) like it all started to get his power of thought began to work in this time, he actually went hungry and ate only fruit and grapes. He did not have money for other food :) I think it has something to do. Energy rastet- all turns out. About it already wrote. In this state, to live and build a business much easier. Attitude changes everything. Pendulums do not affect you. Workers detained repair? Do not worry, we have opened a week later, nothing has happened. The teacher refused to work? Yes, I do not care. After 3 days, I agreed with the other 5 times better and it's great that it happened. And the great thing that we attract customers of what we want. Our values are the same with them. We dumaem- about them, they come to us :) Of course, right and proper advertising has not been canceled. But the promotional materials are formed of your internal state. Style, color, background, slogans, descriptions, all formed in the person deep within. It is not surprising that the same people are coming! Employees and customers. Like attracts like, it is also about everyone knows. While our club just opened, but the beginning of a great. I have never worked in a position to supply fruit. And it seems in vain, it was necessary to try before.
At the moment I have this day:
At 7.00 in the morning I drink a liter of water with lemon, honey and ginger.
Somewhere in the afternoon, sometimes I drink orange juice 0.5-1 liter
In the evening, I eat salad greens with tomatoes :)
I have enough
It is not so much the fruit and they are not as great as in the summer, and there are watermelons. Without them, all sad. In the summer I was in the day to eat watermelon and felt fine. they are not now, and have to cope without them. I do not adhere to any strict form of food (honey, do not interfere with vegetables). I feel good in this mode. I can not eat the whole day and feel great. The only thing that is difficult without the lemon and ginger. Honey is not so critical. It allows me to work hard and productively to 2 works. :) Today I wanted to write it, just came up with this idea. I think that will come more and be sure to write it. I hope this information someone will benefit!