Sadiki and schools participating in the program - health fruit

I can share exactly the opposite experience of German kindergartens, not private - the city, although in such a situation the Church, and sometimes even better. We go one and a half years - giving breakfast with them (my only all raw, sometimes the truth asks bread with cheese, do whole grains and bran, and fresh cheese with herbs). As snacks are only fruits and vegetables - kindergartens and schools involved in the program - the fruit's health - we are for !!!
Fruits and vegetables are imported from nearby gardens exclusively bio Bio Bio. The dinner brought hot: cold 2 times a week, fish 1 time, 2 times vegetarian dishes, each time a fresh salad and sliced vegetables on the table - cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes and radish, cabbage and carrots. Since kindergartens are involved in such programs is prohibited from giving - sweet yogurt, muffins, sweet pastries and other advertising nonsense

Basically I want to say that over the past 5 years, greatly changed the menu in restaurants - almost every eatery has a no salad and fruit sold individually. So we're on the right path, and who doubt it can check itself.
All you health and happiness, hug and kiss you all