Cream of mushroom soup with cheese sorbet

Mushrooms champignons - 200g
Cashew - 100g
Lemon juice - 8d
Garlic - 5g
Basil Green - 5g
Sea salt - 1g
Black pepper - 0.5g
Water - 250g
Cheese of cashew with dill - 50g
Mix the leaves - 5g
Alfalfa sprouts - 1g
Truffle oil - 2g
Preparation: Wash the mushrooms, cut into slices and dried in the dehydrator for 6 hours at 38 * C
. In a blender place the nuts, dried mushrooms, garlic, lemon juice, basil, salt, pepper, water and whisk everything until smooth.
Pour the soup into a bowl, put a ball of chilled cheese with dill
sprinkle with truffle oil, decorate the salad leaves and sprouts.