Soup with sprouts.

Celery - 4 stalks;
Honey - 1 tablespoon;
lemon juice - 3 tablespoons;
Water - 2 cups;
Oil pumpkin - 3 tablespoons (can be olive);
Cilantro - 10-20 grams;
Ginger - a piece of 5 cm;
Salt and Italian spices - to taste
. Garnish:
Any sprouts (I had alfalfa) - 50gramm;
Daikon - 1/4 pieces;
Carrots - half pieces
. Preparation:
For soup mix all ingredients in a food processor at the highest speeds. Carrot and Daikon three on a coarse grater and pour in a plate with the broth. Decorate as sprouts from the top you can sprinkle a little curry. Also, as an additive red peppers are ideal, and avocado dressed with nuts (peanuts).