Showers old and new.

Who in the world so it happened that many old souls embodied here. And it's too much even in the domestic level. And like the age difference between the people themselves, the age of their souls in the same way explains their behavior and makes the predictable process of their lives.
The older the soul - the more experience it. Experience - a set of practical solutions to small everyday situations, with which you can summarize their logic and to be deliberately prepared for possible options situations are similar in essence
Quite simply - the ability to do something. To drag, organize, animate. It's simple - when the soul has no experience - it does not encourage to move up and take risks for the sake of results. When no experience - there is a chance to fail, and this risk ogresti problems. Therefore, young souls often take a wait and go to change only when someone has created a safe environment for a step forward.
Old soul is always have a reserve of potential "dope" for seemingly too seemingly hasty steps, as a result of which they are a winner. Even without the memory of past experience gives a sense of intuitive understanding of security next moves.
It is the experience of the soul leads to the accumulation of strength, determination, intuition, good luck.
But the age of the soul and its experience is not always connected directly. The first steps last much longer time. And some souls can and do get stuck in the utopian worlds occupying the niche space and enjoy life did not act burdensomely lack of desire to evolve. Either reverse option with the same result - such as this one, earth - when the desire evolution blows from a lack of opportunities to evolve and drowns in overcoming routine. Therefore, the age of the soul easier to associate with the value of the typing experience.
And when there are two radically different ages - they often do not understand each other, or even begin concrete hassle. When seasoned soul, not burdened due to the situation of the earth understanding of this phenomenon, are beginning to behave like derzalki and shout at the less successful: they say, do as I do, you will succeed! And if does not - just squalls charges, attempts to spread their views among the circle of friends, that, well, there's the greenhorn - drisch general and can not even help themselves, even to his feet - and rushed the water through the pipes ...
I want to distribute these simple examples that everyone can recognize these character types, including in itself, not to quarrel once again, and to understand each other. We all have reasons for action or inaction.
Young souls are prone to kuchkovaniyu in hierarchies. They are due to the small experience, yet prefer to be protected and under the guiding influence of teachers. And it manifests itself in the choice of mode of life and working life. Only the young souls go to officials, military, police. Only old souls become entrepreneurs, farmers and other options of self-sufficient beings without the need to obey.
About young souls a little explained. Now you have to seasoned pro. With them a lot of options, but the two main ways and is easy enough to calculate, even among his entourage.
Any evolution of the soul consists of two stages: a set of service experience without the freedom of the will, and the same with free will
These two classes of beings were generated by the gods for the internal needs of the Universe. Without freedom of the will were, for example, created the angels Arkhangelsk-Archean service.
Somehow, there is a strange gender imbalance in this world - the archangels, men know and call everyone and the girls they like as appropriate does not exist. Really not. In fact, there are an equal footing and in other worlds they just know and interact.
It should be understood that the angels arhannelsko Archean-service - it's a creature without free will. It was clean and the service they are engaged in this service are thousands and millions of years. Under each name archangel or archaea understood the current duty of the multi-channel service. And there being created from scratch. This service brings up the basic qualities - discipline, deep expertise in their specialty, perseverance, humility, purity and effectiveness. Then every creature, having worked until his probation sufficient level, may wish to get out of the service in an independent evolution. Considering the period of oktilony years of existence of the Universe - those who left in the simple embodiment the angels have accumulated quite a lot. Living in different worlds with a set of service qualities they have learned, and learned a lot. And earthly conditions have gathered here and now a number of such creatures like this unique experience - they are different, but they are the most traction - their whole life - it parovozing everything and everyone. They decide. They make.
The second group of old souls who initially received free will - a demiurge Magee second wave and other original creators, who was given a set of tools and knowledge to accelerate evolution. These beings in all worlds find their calling to be a teacher with a large and small letters, mentors, coaches. This lack of harsh school of life without free will makes them quite vulnerable, prone to participate in not always putёvyh associations: it is possible to recall earthly professors who had membership in the Communist Party, or the spiritual guides of the church - in the universal scale the same thing happens - demiurges quite often consist in hierarchical organizations. In any case, we all without blemish, and all of us tend to develop for a long time, especially since the opportunities for this infinite.
Placed Faero,