Dr. Haykaz Sargsyan. Raw food diet. Comments about the correct way of life.

Dr. Haykaz Sargsyan. Raw food diet. Comments about the correct way of life. Look!
● You start the day with fruit.
● Liquid meals not consumed.
● Instead of the usual water use melted water.
● eat only fruits on an empty stomach.
● Soap does not use, or at least the shampoo pH 5, 5. (body obterat vinegar as cleansing)
● The cheese and other protein products are only in the beginning of the meal, you can with fresh herbs, vegetables, but never with bread - protein is better absorbed so
. ● Onions and garlic eat only boiled or toasted form.
● Spinach is only in its raw form, alone or in salads.
● Harmful food - all baked pastry, top grade flour, semolina, coffee
. ● With the milk does not interfere with anything else and do not cook, so as not decomposed in the intestine.
● can drink water only 2-3 hours after a meal, or for 15 min. before eating.
● Harmful to cook soups from beans (ripe) with vegetable or animal fat (the protein must not be mixed with oils).
● In the morning instead of coffee 7-8 peas of black pepper 1 cup thawed drink warm water with 1 teaspoon of honey with or without honey. This is a good breakfast, then at least an hour to eat fruit as lunch.
● If you have cooked food, once a day from 14-00 to 18-00 and to Varenna food to eat fresh vegetables and herbs
● There is a slowly, chew each bite at least 50 times.