I commend to all the - unique technique by Louise Hay

Website publish an excerpt from the book of Louise Hay "How to Heal Your Life," in which the author tells a very simple and easy method, able to turn your attitude towards yourself and life in general. Read and finally take a very trivial thing - you are beautiful

Exercise "I commend all a» h3> I recommend this exercise hundreds of people and getting phenomenal

< Over the next month constantly say to yourself, "I approve of myself» .
Some of us will think that this exercise is silly, stupid and senseless. Let these thoughts calmly go through your mind, they
They have no power over you, of course, provided that you yourself do not elect them. < These thoughts - your resistance to change. In spite of everything, you need to continue. Do not pay attention to what you will say others. If you will be able to say that phrase myself when someone is doing something you do not approve of you internally you will know that you are in the process of spiritual development.

< Our thoughts have no power over us as long as we do not
we subject them to himself. thoughts themselves have no meaning. We invent them
value, and we, only we select the value that we want to give them. As part of its samopriyatiya is an exemption from the opinions of others. If I were you kept saying that you "purple pig," or you would laugh at me, or would say that I'm crazy. You would in any case do not believe it.

Much of what we say to ourselves, an equally implausible. If you believe in what your strengths are in direct proportion to your figure - it means to believe in a deliberate absurdity. < Often what we consider our shortcomings, is an expression of our individuality. This is our uniqueness. Nature never repeats itself not. From the very beginning there were two similar snowflakes or raindrops. And each daisy different from each other. Our fingerprints are as different as we are. As nature intended. If you are willing to accept it, then you will not constantly compare themselves to others. Trying to be like the other - then dry your soul. We came to this planet to express themselves. I personally do not even know who I was, until then, until I started my spiritual quest in life.

So let's drive away thoughts that make us unhappy, let us do things that we like to be with people with whom we feel good.

via www.peterlindbergh.com/


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