Just one proof that one has only to listen to himself
Editorial learned an amazing thing that we can not wait podelitsya.Est such a wonderful thing called the crab bucket theory - «theory buckets of crabs." In brief, it states that the crabs - so stupid animals, one by one, each of them are easy to get out of the bucket, but when one of them is trying to get out of the bucket, and his relatives cling to him and pulled back.
When a person is trying to quit smoking, and pals say, "I still do not get," and pulled a cigarette - a crab bucket. When you get a second degree, and colleagues loudly wondering why you need it, because at work and so tired - it is also crab bucket. When your own parents tell you that you are stupid, inept, and nothing good will come out of you - yes, and it's crab bucket.
It is human nature, and nothing can be done about it, except for one thing - to be stronger than the bucket and push forward, even when you pull back a hundred people.
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/vsego-odno-dokazatelstvo-togo-pochemu-slushat-stoit-tolko-sebya-1018860
When a person is trying to quit smoking, and pals say, "I still do not get," and pulled a cigarette - a crab bucket. When you get a second degree, and colleagues loudly wondering why you need it, because at work and so tired - it is also crab bucket. When your own parents tell you that you are stupid, inept, and nothing good will come out of you - yes, and it's crab bucket.
It is human nature, and nothing can be done about it, except for one thing - to be stronger than the bucket and push forward, even when you pull back a hundred people.
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/vsego-odno-dokazatelstvo-togo-pochemu-slushat-stoit-tolko-sebya-1018860
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