A simple recipe for true sweet tooth zefirok

cold winter evening I want to drink something hot - like cocoa - and eat something sweet - like marshmallow. The recipe for the chocolate drink we all know, but how to make gummy zefirki for many remains a secret.
Website sharing with you a detailed recipe for sweet air, which will be able to cook even the novice cook.
You will need:
350 g sugar 160 g invert syrup (for which we need 175 grams of sugar, 75 ml of water, 1 g of citric acid and a pinch of baking soda) 25 g powdered gelatin 200 ml of water 1 h. liter. vanillin
saucepan, or dipper mixer (manual or stationary) pastry bag or a durable bag (preferably with zip-lock) needle thermometer / dipstick (if any)
Preparation of invert sugar:
In a heavy-bottomed saucepan pour sugar, citric acid and pour in the water. Bring to a boil. Cover pan tightly with a lid and cook on low heat for 45 minutes. The syrup should be pouring, but not stringy, that is spoon must not pull hard caramel threads. A little cool and add the baking soda dissolved in 1 dessert spoon of water. Foam is formed. After 5-10 minutes the foam subsides - and the syrup is ready.
The preparation of marshmallow:

Gelatin was soaked in 100 ml of water and allowed to swell. All the other ingredients (syrup, sugar, 100 ml of water) down in a pan (preferably a bucket). We bring mixture to a boil. It is necessary that the temperature was 110 degrees, but not everyone has a needle thermometer, so just boil about 8 minutes.

Meanwhile gelatin swollen. Heated it in the microwave until dissolved (not to boil), pour into a mixing bowl or just in a bowl, if you have a hand mixer. Start beating at high speed and pour a thin stream of syrup wall.

When all the syrup infused at high speed, beat the mixture until thick. Weight should stand up and turn white. Add the vanilla. Not perevzbeyte, otherwise it will be difficult to work with the mass. It is sticky, gently!

Take the bag and shift it a lot.

Lubricate silicone pad with a thin layer of vegetable oil and lay out our future snakes marshmallow. Do not make it on the parchment without oil or even more on the foil: then it will be difficult to remove zefirki.

After 3 hours the marshmallow is completely stabilized, there will be only mix the icing sugar with cornstarch (possible without starch), sprinkled with the snake, then take scissors and cut into pieces, roll them in powdered sugar.

It is also possible to pour the mixture into a glass mold sandwiched with cling film and left to congeal for 3 hours, and then simply removed from the mold and cut into cubes.
Bon appetit!
via wapkin.dp.ua/index.php?d=wallpapers&s=view&v=cup-hot-cocoa-chashka-goryachiy-5117&t=1-search
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