3 scientifically proven reason to trust your intuition

all know the feeling, when suddenly without reason have the confidence in the correctness or incorrectness of any decision. This sense is called intuition, and psychologist Suzanne Halonen believes that it is necessary to trust that feeling more often.
Website published an article by Suzanne in which she convincingly explains why you should listen to your intuition.
"Eighteen months ago, I almost made the biggest mistake of his life married to the wrong man. The restaurant was booked, guests were invited. Everything was ready, except for myself. I suddenly felt that without a good reason, really want to cancel the wedding.
My solution was difficult to explain to relatives and the groom, but as soon as I did it, I like a stone fell from the soul. I felt free. And the surrounding noticed that I have become a much happier and literally glowed from within.
How could I be so confident, taking a difficult decision? Psychologists say that our subconscious mind is involved in decision-making is much more than we think. Even when we think we are based solely on the logic, the brain derives some information from the subconscious.
And here are three reasons to trust your instincts:
1. Intuition is based on your previous experience and knowledge.
The more experience you have in the area where you want to make a decision, the more accurate answer will tell you the intuition. Consult with others is also useful, but they do not always know what is best for you. Heed all advice, but in the end, trust your heart. When you have experienced many situations in life, you have enough knowledge to make difficult decisions.
2. Intuition is inextricably linked to the brain and is the intertwining of the events and your experiences.
That is why rely on intuition rather than on the advice of others. Intuition is connected to your body, mind and spirit, as well as their interaction in the past. If you have to make the right choices, you will feel the excitement and anxiety, if the wrong choice, you soon will cover impotence and fear.
3. Intuition is connected with all the nerve cells of the body.
That is the feeling of "butterflies in the stomach" that appears before making important decisions - is the result of millions of nerve cells. Subconsciously, the brain sends signals to them, and you will feel the thrill and excitement. What could be better than to make decisions based on the sensations of your entire body, not just the mind?
In conclusion, I want to add that the more you trust your intuition, the more powerful and accurate it will become. Try to give time to yourself and relax from the daily rush. Ceasing to take the time, you can stop and listen to the inner voice and your heart & quot ;.
via www.barefootblonde.com/tag/kat-von-d/