30 habits to help you become BETTER!

1. Learn the 5 new foreign words.
2. Every day clean up in his room, throwing rubbish.
3. Wipe the face of frozen concoctions chamomile
4. Completely give up fast food.
5. doing morning exercises.
6. Every day, sleep and wake up at exactly the same time.
7. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, too, at the same time - the body will tell you thank you for it.
8. Sleep at least 8 hours.
9. Save money.
10. Think only about the good - everything will come true!
11. Drink a cup of yogurt at night.
12. Rinse feet with cold water - it is also a kind of hardening.
13. Sit on the Internet is not more than an hour a day.
14. Take pictures every day of your summer.
15. Start the run.
16. Buy a hoop and occupy at least 15 minutes a day.
17. Smile more often.
18. Avoid profanity and words-parasites. In general, keep your speech.
19. Do one small good deed every day.
20. Teach beautiful, inspirational poem you.
21. Walk straight. Watch your posture.
22. Give up all sorts of bad habits.
23. Meditate - just relax, turn on soft music, do not think about anything.
24. Learn something new every day.
25. Read. At least 10-15 pages daily.
26. Spend at least an hour a day to their parents.
27. Tell people nice words and compliments.
28. Drink a day not less than 1500 ml. water.
29. Try every day to eat fruits, vegetables and berries.
30. Keep a diary of his success.

HOW calm a person?
Sincere practice Urdhva Prazarita Ekapadasany lead you to Santosh -neprivyazannosti and satisfaction.