The body is always sends us a message!

In recent years there have been a lot of allergies, people who are allergic start after 30, 40 and over 50 years old! With that in previous years no allergic reactions were observed everything, and suddenly began to show an allergy to flowering, food, and even the sun ....
The body is always trying to talk to us and to send a message through the disease. The disease - a "cry" of our souls to make note of the fact that a person is not realized.
Allergies - is usually a manifestation of the skin of various uncomfortable symptoms: rash, itching, redness, swelling. Leather - a separate body, showing our interaction with the world, in fact, the skin shows how much we comfortably and harmoniously in the world where we live! All the "causes" of allergy: chocolate, sweet, citrus, food additives, pollen and everything else, just run the activator of allergy and never the real reason.
Here is an example: years ago I for the first time there was an allergy, could not understand everything, but it occurred only in the bright sun and in tropical countries, I personally drugs actually do not help. Leaves with the sun - allergy passes nonsense I thought! But when an allergy already appeared in Moscow with a weak sun and temperature 23 degrees, it was not fun.
The problem is that if the root causes lie very deep in past lives, you understand the cause of the allergy is not actually possible. Personally, I had a week "to dig" dig so deep and hard to understand, to find the cause of allergies, use a lot of methods of work, the search for the causes - a task much exhausting and makes powerfully concentrated effort and energy.
As a result, the cause was found! The reason for activating an allergy to the sun, was the "ancient" trauma - failure of the energy of the Creator. Sun, its energy, I have been associated with the Light, with the Creator, "rejection" of the energy of the Creator, somewhere in the deep resentment from past lives to the Creator, given the reaction of the body. Once the cause has been found, mindfulness, developed and adopted by the energy level of the Heart, 1 day (!!!) allergy has disappeared, and now more than five years did not appear even once.
And any disease - it is always the last cry of our souls, to pay attention to not realize the problem, some of which tried to push very deeply, but she always appear to pay attention to the difficulty to understand and work!
P.S. Dear Friends, I do not work with the diseases and problems of the physical body.
My task is to work with the energy and the expansion of consciousness.