How to outsmart hunger
I'm sure many know the feeling, when even after a hearty lunch after a while begins to overcome hunger. The reason may be inadequate fluid intake, or a certain period of the cycle in women. We offer a few simple secrets that will help defeat the insidious hunger.
1. Dairy products = good
Increase the number of calories burned by 60% to help only 3 servings of cottage cheese, yogurt or other dairy products a day.
2. rehabilitated potatoes
Support satiety and blood sugar levels can help potato dishes containing a large amount of starch. It is necessary to give preference to jacket potatoes or boiled without oil.
3. fruit instead of sweet
Replace chocolate bar with dried fruits, it is not only lower in calories, but also better fed.
4. Dine meat with vegetables
During rest after such a meal of meat protein amino acids activate a special hormone that breaks down fat.
5. All eyes green
Remember, greens on a plate served not only for decoration. It perfectly diminish appetite, so eat the greens is first and foremost.
6. Eat with his reflection
Trapeznichaya, looking at himself in the mirror, you probably eat a lot less than usual.
7. Garlic - our friend
To reduce the appetite, it is worth before bedtime take the dining room spoonful of infusion of several mashed garlic cloves, filled a glass of cold water.
8. Chile - on the other side of the barricades
Any Tabasco, including Chile, is not only the digestive fire, but also increases the appetite, so it should be more careful.
9. I wanted to have? Sit
The joke about the fact that all calories eaten standing at the feet go, not far from the truth. The fact is that biting on the run, we do not control the amount of fuel, which threatens to over-eating.
10. More smoothies and cocktails
Useful drinks will fill your stomach without adding extra calories at the same time.
11. Vanilla
If there is hunger, just enough to smell vanilla and brain automatically calm down.
12. Firmly Eat breakfast every day
If you do not have time to hearty breakfast, morning meal, separate into two parts. Prior to work or study, eat wholegrain cereal and fruit and yogurt at work snack or cereal bars.
13. Eat small portions
Increase the number of meals, while reducing portion sizes.
14. Breathing exercises
Strongly wanted to eat? Breathe. Do it this way: inhale and exhale as deeply as possible into five accounts with relaxation arms and shoulders. Repeat this exercise for 2-3 minutes.
15. Often walk
Try a walk after a meal, which will add a feeling of satiety.
16. Instead of a sandwich - strawberry
Snacking best vegetables or fruit that will satiate a longer time than the sandwich construction.
17. Palette different flavors every day
Try to mix in the basic tastes of dishes - sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent, which will postpone the appearance of future hunger.
18. Increase the duration of the meal to 20 minutes
Do not rush to deal with food, because the brain receives information about the saturation of the body only after 20 minutes of continuous chewing.
19. Ate - gone from the table
Staying at the table after a meal, you hereby provoke overeating.
20. The abundance of wholesome food in the refrigerator
The refrigerator should be filled with vegetables, fruits and other healthy food to snack if you wish, you can opt for something useful.
1. Dairy products = good
Increase the number of calories burned by 60% to help only 3 servings of cottage cheese, yogurt or other dairy products a day.

2. rehabilitated potatoes
Support satiety and blood sugar levels can help potato dishes containing a large amount of starch. It is necessary to give preference to jacket potatoes or boiled without oil.
3. fruit instead of sweet
Replace chocolate bar with dried fruits, it is not only lower in calories, but also better fed.

4. Dine meat with vegetables
During rest after such a meal of meat protein amino acids activate a special hormone that breaks down fat.
5. All eyes green
Remember, greens on a plate served not only for decoration. It perfectly diminish appetite, so eat the greens is first and foremost.
6. Eat with his reflection
Trapeznichaya, looking at himself in the mirror, you probably eat a lot less than usual.

7. Garlic - our friend
To reduce the appetite, it is worth before bedtime take the dining room spoonful of infusion of several mashed garlic cloves, filled a glass of cold water.
8. Chile - on the other side of the barricades
Any Tabasco, including Chile, is not only the digestive fire, but also increases the appetite, so it should be more careful.
9. I wanted to have? Sit
The joke about the fact that all calories eaten standing at the feet go, not far from the truth. The fact is that biting on the run, we do not control the amount of fuel, which threatens to over-eating.

10. More smoothies and cocktails
Useful drinks will fill your stomach without adding extra calories at the same time.
11. Vanilla
If there is hunger, just enough to smell vanilla and brain automatically calm down.

12. Firmly Eat breakfast every day
If you do not have time to hearty breakfast, morning meal, separate into two parts. Prior to work or study, eat wholegrain cereal and fruit and yogurt at work snack or cereal bars.
13. Eat small portions
Increase the number of meals, while reducing portion sizes.
14. Breathing exercises
Strongly wanted to eat? Breathe. Do it this way: inhale and exhale as deeply as possible into five accounts with relaxation arms and shoulders. Repeat this exercise for 2-3 minutes.

15. Often walk
Try a walk after a meal, which will add a feeling of satiety.
16. Instead of a sandwich - strawberry
Snacking best vegetables or fruit that will satiate a longer time than the sandwich construction.
17. Palette different flavors every day
Try to mix in the basic tastes of dishes - sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent, which will postpone the appearance of future hunger.

18. Increase the duration of the meal to 20 minutes
Do not rush to deal with food, because the brain receives information about the saturation of the body only after 20 minutes of continuous chewing.
19. Ate - gone from the table
Staying at the table after a meal, you hereby provoke overeating.
20. The abundance of wholesome food in the refrigerator
The refrigerator should be filled with vegetables, fruits and other healthy food to snack if you wish, you can opt for something useful.