IS ONLY sensation of hunger
It is the first rule in any natural system power
Hunger - "voice of nature", telling us that we need food. Another true indicator of the fact that there does not exist. The time of the day or the usual meal hours are not true indicators.
There is a difference between hunger and what is called appetite. Appetite - this is the exact opposite of hunger, the creation of habits and practices, and can be determined by a number of factors: the set time for food, view, taste or smell of food, seasoning, or even the thought of food
. In some diseases is almost constant and unsatisfying appetite. None of these circumstances can not call this appetite, because the latter comes only when there is a real need for food. It is possible to have an appetite for tobacco, coffee, tea, spirits, and so on. D., But you can not be hungry for it, because the organism is not a real physiological need in these substances.
Appetite is often accompanied by a painful sensation in the stomach, a feeling of "emptiness" or the general state of weakness, perhaps even mental depression. These symptoms are usually characterized by patients with gastric gluttons, and these feelings will pass, if the holder of the stomach abstain from food for several days.
This hunger arises spontaneously, ie without the mediation of any external factors, and is accompanied by a "moistening the mouth" and usually a conscious desire for a certain kind of food.
Condition known as appetite, the source and center of which is the desire of the nervous system, and the motive - the pleasure, there is a real parasite living at the expense of the owner - the person whose wrong imagination allows him to take root; On the other hand, hunger - natural physiological instinct, prompting the cell, which needs funds to cover the actual needs of the physical nature of human
. Appetite does not express our needs and desires, not what is really needed, and what we think, if we need to. This spurs the imagination of a scourge that turns our greed for food in the insatiable vampire, which is growing with the growth of our desires and increases its power, until they finally kill us if we, in turn, reshimsya not kill him. While our attention is absorbed dishes, located on a table, enjoying food for its own sake and the invention of new food combinations to stimulate the appetite, until we will increase the power of our appetite at the expense of hunger ».
☝ According to Dr. Claunch, "the difference between true hunger and false can be determined as follows: to be hungry and to feel satisfaction from it (" to be able to comfort ") - a sign of the famine; be hungry and feel at the same time "Uncomfortable" - a sign lzheappetita, false hunger
. There are people who are always eating and always "hungry." They mistake the terrible excitement of the stomach for hunger. These people have not learned to distinguish between the normal demand for food on the symptom of the disease. They mistake the symptoms of chronic gastritis or gastritnogo neurosis for hunger.