What people say about us favorite words-parasites: 8 examples
When the thought process is too slow and have to say it is necessary, it is unnecessary words help buy time. Parasite words. And each of those words or phrases helps to understand the peculiarities of human nature. < Website publishes a list of words-parasites and their psychological transcripts compiled by psychologist Andrew Zhelvetro.
«way» - this word is used people who do not get enough attention. They often feel embarrassment and lack of confidence in the new company and thus cover up his embarrassment and the word "way". Even if this is not the way. «short» - figure haste, nervousness and aggression. Most often, these words are hot-tempered people. You can also often find the use of the word and chatty people who can not cope with it for its quality. «This is the most» - say those people who are too lazy to do their job and their home responsibilities. They can be unreliable and impulsive, so they can not be too much to hope for. And these personality deftly avoided punishment just dumping the blame on the nearest suitable for this sacrifice. «fact» - another word from the daily lexicon insecure people. But, in contrast to "the way", these individuals have an enviable talent scandals literally roll out of the blue. However, they do so because of the same lack of confidence. «In fact,» - slips in conversations arrogant and selfish people. They trust only my own experience and my opinion, and all the rest simply are not interested. As a rule, man- "really" hard to make friends, and strikes up a relationship, because it considers itself a unique and unrepeatable. Other people - it's just the public for its performances. «Type" and "So» real conservatives like to say. They are against the new and the rightness of his views can always prove aggressive attitude to the interlocutor. «How to» - it is a sign of a creative nature, which often spends time in his fantasy world. It is this phrase these people unknowingly emphasize their isolation from the society and all the relativity of each event in his own life. «Just» often uttered in the speech are the people whose opinion is never independent. They depend on their environment and are afraid to take on at least some responsibility. And they are often justified than finally "dropping" in the eyes of familiar people.
via www.cluber.com.ua/lifestyle/samorazvitie-lifestyle/2015/12/8-slov-parazitov-po-kotoryim-mozhno-sudit-o-cheloveke/

«way» - this word is used people who do not get enough attention. They often feel embarrassment and lack of confidence in the new company and thus cover up his embarrassment and the word "way". Even if this is not the way. «short» - figure haste, nervousness and aggression. Most often, these words are hot-tempered people. You can also often find the use of the word and chatty people who can not cope with it for its quality. «This is the most» - say those people who are too lazy to do their job and their home responsibilities. They can be unreliable and impulsive, so they can not be too much to hope for. And these personality deftly avoided punishment just dumping the blame on the nearest suitable for this sacrifice. «fact» - another word from the daily lexicon insecure people. But, in contrast to "the way", these individuals have an enviable talent scandals literally roll out of the blue. However, they do so because of the same lack of confidence. «In fact,» - slips in conversations arrogant and selfish people. They trust only my own experience and my opinion, and all the rest simply are not interested. As a rule, man- "really" hard to make friends, and strikes up a relationship, because it considers itself a unique and unrepeatable. Other people - it's just the public for its performances. «Type" and "So» real conservatives like to say. They are against the new and the rightness of his views can always prove aggressive attitude to the interlocutor. «How to» - it is a sign of a creative nature, which often spends time in his fantasy world. It is this phrase these people unknowingly emphasize their isolation from the society and all the relativity of each event in his own life. «Just» often uttered in the speech are the people whose opinion is never independent. They depend on their environment and are afraid to take on at least some responsibility. And they are often justified than finally "dropping" in the eyes of familiar people.
via www.cluber.com.ua/lifestyle/samorazvitie-lifestyle/2015/12/8-slov-parazitov-po-kotoryim-mozhno-sudit-o-cheloveke/
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