Scientists coffee prolongs life and improves health!

Pour yourself another cup of coffee: the scientists from Harvard found that those who use more of this fragrant drink will become centenarians! The site tells podrobnosti.Issledovateli seen 200 000 people over 28 years and found that non-smokers who drink a day for three to five cups of coffee with caffeine or not, all causes of death - 15% lower than the those who did not drink coffee

One factor study author Frank Hu calls a powerful antioxidant called chlorogenic acid contained in coffee, regardless of the percentage of caffeine. That it may be a cause of the reduction of mortality among coffee drinkers compared to those who did not drink. The number of deaths from heart attack at the coffee less than 19%, and diabetes - 24%. According to Hu is due to the fact that the cause of both diseases - inflammatory processes, as contained in coffee chlorogenic acid prevents them.

The researchers also found that among nonsmokers who drank 3-5 cups a day of coffee, the probability of death from neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease, lower by 37%, while the suicide rate - below 36%, than those who indulge in some tea . This relationship, says Hu, most likely due to the caffeine. "Caffeine stimulates the production of dopamine, a major cause of Parkinson's disease is to reduce the level of this substance," - he said.

Caffeine can also lead to increased levels of other neurotransmitters in the brain that has an overall antidepressant effect. Scientists do not provide uniform guidance on the number of cups of coffee per day. Three to five - is the golden mean, as the decrease or increase of the dose in the subjects led to a weakening of the reactions described above.
