Khazanov says

yesterday was 70 years old and a consummate master parodist reprise Gennady Khazanov. Several generations of viewers know and love parrot Kesha and smile, recalling his student culinary college. Khazanov achieved nationwide success as a parodist and actor conversational genre, to his credit dozens of roles in film and theater. But, even having gone from the stage, he is still the favorite of the public.
On the birthday of the famous actor Website publish the best quotes about life, people and satire.
About my age I can say this: not yet old age, but not joy. - What do you say when brought before God?
- I will say that I was not always the case cited. So I would like to explain myself. For the time is always satire. Because the reasons for her life gives generously. I'm not sure that the subtle irony and humor high anywhere in the world have a mass audience. I try to ignore the praise. No matter how it caressed vanity is heavy weights. Sense of humor distinguishes man from the animal, because the sense of touch, smell, sight, hearing - all of this in common, but the sense of humor - exclusive in humans. I was not interested in the laughter of the hungry fed. That laughter hungry fed over a great motivation from the standpoint of humanism. Our people are united only when the war! When there is no war, they fight with each other. It seems to me that without a sense of humor to live life is sometimes worse than no sight and hearing. For me, a feeling that you know the secret of success - a serious symptom of imminent demise. Formation of the Soviet audience and education of today, the Russian, are not comparable. According to statistics, over the past 20 years in the Russian theater was to go to 20 million less. They differ only in the agrarian question: some want to lay in the ground other, and vice versa. Satire has one major flaw: it knows in advance who is at fault. If you have a life, so there is a reason for irony, jokes. You are asked whether it is desirable to have a sense of humor man or necessary? In a nutshell, the answer is: certainly desirable.
Preview: Vadim Kobylchuk
via miniymor.narod.ru/f/11.jpg