Vladimir Zeldin. "Theatre - the fundamental principle of"

Marks the centenary of the legendary actor Vladimir Zeldin. And it plays so far !!! Despite its age, the actor and is now involved in the productions, including "Dancing with the teacher", "Once upon a time" and the two roles (Cervantes and Don Quixote) in the musical "Man of La Mancha».
The legend of Russian cinema and theater People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Zeldin February 10 marks the centenary of the birth; for the anniversary of his home theater actor prepares a great celebration - the patriarch of the scene come to congratulate TSATRA Zhvanetski, Gennady Khazanov, Joseph Kobzon and many others.
Vladimir Zeldin for more than 70 years working in the Theatre of the Russian Army (TSATRA), which came in 1941. At this stage - the largest in Europe - he played dozens of roles in the classics and modern drama. He received offers to go in the company of Vakhtangov Theater, the Maly Theater and others, but remained faithful TSATRA. Despite its age, the actor and plays today, he is busy in four repertory productions, including "Dancing with the teacher," which was delivered to the 95th anniversary Zeldin, "Once upon a time" and the two roles (Cervantes and Don Quixote) in the musical "Man of La Mancha." In addition, he performs a major role in the play "Uncle's Dream" in theater "Modern".
By a holiday dedicated anniversary program, under which are creative meetings of People's Artist of the USSR. In TSATRA conduct creative meetings actor with the audience called "Theatre - my life." Specifically for military personnel in TSATRA performances go with Zeldin. February 10 actor will take the stage at the anniversary party, which is called "100, or Dancing with the times." For an evening designed original invitations, holiday poster "Man».
"I have a recital c program for two and a half hours, which I can tell you about myself, to communicate with the audience, and that is enough. I played with this program, not only in Russia but also in France, Italy, the Netherlands. The public good takes, and it gives me pleasure. Celebrations - not my initiative, but I do not do anything I can "- confessed RIA Novosti Zeldin.
Among congratulator who come to the anniversary evening Zeldin, a world-renowned dancer and choreographer Vladimir Vasiliev, satirist Zhvanetski, folk artists Alexander Shirvindt and Gennady Khazanov, singer Iosif Kobzon and Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Big and Small theaters, circus Zapashny Brothers and many others.
< Theatre - a fundamental principle
The name of the oldest Russian actor Centenary Navy ship called
"Theatre has always been for me a fundamental principle, the main actor in my case - said Zeddin. - I am happy to have worked with the largest producer, a disciple of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko - Alexei Dmitrievich Popov, who was then at the head of the Red Theatre, and then Soviet and now Russian our army. When it was part of the head of the literary classic of theater, author of books on foreign theaters Grigory Boyadzhiev, the music of the famous composer headed Tikhon Khrennikov ».
As for "Dance Teacher" by Lope de Vega, who 40 years did not leave the scene - the history of the theater does not know of such examples, then this performance, according to Zeldin, for the Theater Army as Chekhov's "The Seagull" for the Moscow Art Theater and "Turandot" for Vakhtangov.
In the movie, the very first big role - in the movie of the famous film director Ivan Pyreva "Pig and shepherd" - brought the actor national fame. Then there was a picture of "The Tale of the Siberian land" where Zeldin, to play the role of pianist rehearsed Liszt Piano Concerto under the direction of the great musician Emil Gilels. The actor starred in Stanislav Govorukhin ("Ten Little Indians") and Andrei Konchalovsky ("Uncle Vanya"), and, probably, in the movie could have played more, but, in the opinion of the Zeldin, "that's not the quantity, but the fact what's left of your work in the soul of the viewer, about any movie or play, they keep the memory ».
Zeldin has a phenomenal energy. Along with concert brigades theater he traveled all over the Soviet Union. "I traveled around the country, we have wonderful people in love with their land, in their own business. Russia has everything: sea, river, forest, oil and gas, as in any other country in the world. Russia is absolutely self-sufficient. I love my country and elsewhere outside of Russia ", - says the actor.
In 2014 he became a member of the Olympic torch relay "Sochi-2014».
Its nothing - except the soul
Asked about how he manages to stay in such great shape, Zeldin always smiling and remembers his childhood. He believes it all depends on the family, which has grown.
People's Artist of the USSR Vladimir Zeldin, archival photo
© RIA Novosti. Maxim Blinov | Buy illustration
Russian Defense Ministry issued a publication of the memoirs of actor Zeldin
"I was a last-in the family - all we had five children, - he said. - My father was a musician, and his mother a teacher. I never heard that parents swore, we had no scandals, never father did not smoke in the house and did not come with a bottle of vodka. Here I am, too indifferent to these things. Loved sports - engaged in skiing, horseback riding, handed over, as it should have been before, GTO norms. All this, I think, played a role ».
But most importantly, this actor is convinced, that mental well-being. Zeldin was always modest and never sought to luxury, wealth. Holders of the Order "For Merit" still lives in a small two-room apartment, he does not have his own garden - now, however, is put on the status of a service. He never demanded anything for himself.
"As my character in the play" Man of La Mancha ", let man not call her anything but his soul. It's helping, "- said the legendary actor, handsome hundred Vladimir Zeldin
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