Karmic causes of excess weight.

Overweight - the desire to be great and the accumulated mysteries ...
"How tired of all these mysteries, all the secrecy ... No one and nothing. ... Not a word ... just bursting inside of this information. It is disgusting to follow orders, but even harder to keep quiet about it. No one can be trusted. How do you want to wash away all the dirt from ourselves to lose this weight. And just why, why, I began to serve the Soviet government? .. What do I have exchanged my life? .. No love, no family. Only fear and suspicion. But I have to stay strong. If not me, then me ... "- with these painful emotions, with a cry from the heart of the beginning of the session of the regression the woman who came to me with a problem of excess weight ...
I think that here I take a short break in his story and some will say that such a regression method Natalia Ladino. Session regression or immersion in a past life on the methods of diagnosis destination Natalia Ladino - is a wonderful opportunity to heal a specific problem, the cause of which stretches from past incarnations. When we dive into the past through the gat rod problem, it is possible to cure the cause through awareness, prayer, meditation. Unlike many other types of regression therapy session of regression Natalia Ladino passes as painless as possible for people. The fact is that we do not dive soul in past lives through hypnosis. Regressoterapevt, which took place at the master Natalia Ladino special initiation - initiation, through the channel of clairvoyance reads information about the cause of the problems in previous incarnations. Man himself during a session of rest under a relaxing meditation - sees nothing, hears and remembers about his past. Therefore, the stress of not getting the regression. Only healing.
... The woman, who is now many years can not get rid of excess weight in the last incarnation was a man who was born in the Soviet Union and selected services to the NKVD. What terrible things worked representatives of this structure, we know from history.

It all began with the childhood. The boy, who was born in a large rural family, never knew what love was. Parents virtue of hard work and permanent employment hardly devote time to the child. Although it is not possible to say that did not like him. The boy's soul was left deep resentment against parents, and desire at all costs to become a great man, and to prove that the parents are very vain did not like him. The last straw was the story of a woman who, as a teenager, a guy fell in love with all my heart. But she would not even talk to him. And then the young man finally decided: I will be those who no nothing can fail. Everyone will do as much as I want to.

So in the pursuit of greatness, in the pursuit of power and resentment in my heart to loved ones in many years the man has become a major figure in the NKVD destructive structure. Needless to say, that after the violence and the power of people did not get love. Yes, his orders carried out. Yes, he considered, but no one loved ...
As this story has affected now overweight in the poor health of women?

Overweight - the desire to be great and the accumulated secrets that can live only in the minds of men. Since there was no way emotions, data out, as if it was left in the human body in the form of excess weight, but only in the next life. Health problems associated with obesity by itself, and with the devastation that the soul did in a past life. The law of karma is that - someone has suffered from you physically, so in the future, a person will hurt the material body.
After the session, the regression the woman told me a very interesting fact. Now she works in a museum of history. By the nature of professional activity, she is familiar with the documents that show the devastation by the NKVD. When I asked how she feels towards members of this structure, she said something like, "I do not blame them, but feel sorry for those people who suffered from these horrors».
Of course, the woman is not accidentally working in such a place. I think it has led to a subconscious guilt - guilt for past life. And working in this museum, it kind of closes his karmic debt to the affected people, honoring their memory ...
Each of us behind many past lives. All their experience determines present karma. It is important, when we we reveal past lives, to be able to forgive yourself for the past. With forgiveness starts any healing. Forgiveness itself - a very important stage of karmic elaborations. The most joyful, that now have the opportunity to fix it. Methods of diagnosis and correction of destiny destiny: 22 Natalia Ladino code opens the way to heal the age-old karma. And for that I am particularly grateful to the master Natalia Ladino.