1. Homemade cheese
● 2 liters of milk
● 2 tablespoons salt
● 6 eggs
● 400 grams of sour cream
● 200 grams of yogurt
As long as the milk begins to boil with salt. beat the eggs with egg-smetanoy.Tonko enter the sour cream mixture, stirring, add yogurt and bring to a boil (do not boil) .After all your manipulations milk should svernutsya.Vykladyvaete weight on small-fine sieve (or gauze), give to drain syvorotke.Tvorog wrapped in gauze, put a load in the cold for 4-5 chasov.Chem heavier load, the harder syr.Mozhno experimenting with additives (olives, hot pepper, etc.) Domestic cheese with pepper and dill
● 2 liters of pasteurized (optional) milk (prescription 1, 5 l)
● 500 ml of sour milk (the recipe was 400)
● 9 4 eggs 3 pc prescription. )
● 1 is not complete h. Liter. salt (in the recipe does not specify how many)
● The additives can be any:
● Red peppers
● Dill
0, 5 liters of pasteurized milk fermenting, can simply be left at room temperature for 2-3 days. I warmed to speed the process up to 40 degrees (about a little warm), add a spoonful of yogurt and left the kitchen in a day was sour gotova.1, 5 liters of milk put on fire and bring to a boil.
This time, 4 eggs and yoghurt whip hand whisk until smooth, to a state of sour cream.
As the milk comes to a boil, make the most of a small fire, stirring constantly introduce sour-egg mixture. Stir and bring mixture to a separation on the part of curdled and transparent yellowish serum. I process took somewhere 7-10 minutes.
Then discard in a sieve or a colander lined with cheesecloth and let drain all the liquid flows zhidkosti.Poka pepper finely chopped dill and porubit.V curd, add salt, additives and well peremeshat.Kak fluid drained so that the mass is thick, put the cheese dense in any form, and press down on top of a load and leave for 8-10 chasov.Zatem cheese pull out, rub a little salt and put into the refrigerator to cool for 1-2 chasa.Luchshe both got out of shape, wrap in foil or package. < br /> Next, we cut and we eat.
Add salt to taste, it is better to try a mixture of, I do not like salty. Without refrigerator it does not melt or melts, the structure like a Circassian, even a little tighter.
And how delicious warm some bread!
2. Fragrant homemade cheese
● 1L yogurt
● 1 liter of milk
● 6 eggs
● 4 tsp. Salt (or taste)
● 1/3 tsp. Red hot pepper
● pinch of cumin
● 1 clove garlic
● small bunch of different greens: dill, cilantro, green onions
1. In a saucepan pour the milk and yogurt, put on a plate. Not boiling, pour a thin stream into the hot milk-kefir mixture of lightly beaten eggs with salt. Bring to a boil and cook the mixture, stirring, over medium heat for a few minutes until serum separation.
2. Remove from heat, allow to cool for 1-2 minutes and add the finely chopped herbs and kr.perets, squeeze a clove of garlic (or something to your taste)
3. Pour the mass into a colander lined with cheesecloth, folded in two layers. Align the curd with a spoon.
4. Tighten the knot gauze to drain the serum. Then roll out the gauze formed kruglyashok cheese to cover the edge of the gauze, put a saucer on top and put on a saucer any oppression (suitable, for example, a bank with water, closing the lid).
5. Remove in the refrigerator for several hours. And yet. For example, in the evening we made and put into the refrigerator, and in the morning you can have for breakfast. Excellent with black bread and tomatoes
3. Cottage cheese
● 1 liter of milk
● 400 grams of sour cream
● 1 tablespoon salt
● 4 eggs
Milk and salt to boil, add the sour cream with the eggs. And bring to a boil while stirring, pour in the drushlag, the laid gauze. And in the hour press 3.
4. Cottage cheese "Paprika»
It begins with the fact that we are doing the usual paneer. Those. we bring almost to a boil milk and add 2 liters. milk 0, 5 tsp citric acid. When the serum is separated, poured it through a sieve with marlechkoy immediately to get another soft and hot add the paneer:
● any herbs (parsley I took, you can add basil, dill, etc.)
● 1 tsp cumin
● 1 tsp cumin
● 1 tsp paprika
Peppers should be milled and pieces. In fact, you can put a little less spice. Now quickly mix the cheese and wrap gauze top. Put under pressure by 40-60 min.Pressom can serve pot syvorotkoy.Teper add salt in the serum at the rate of 3 tablespoons salt to 1 liter. serum. We expand our syri put it in the serum.
One day a beautiful rustic cheese gotov.Esli take milk from grandmothers, which is usually very greasy, the cheese in consistency resembles ordinary shops cheese, and if you take a regular store milk, the cheese "exfoliates" as suluguni. With this you can make cheese sandwiches, but it's so delicious that we ate it just before the sandwiches is not reached.