Rejuvenating seed - sesame

Daily consumption of sesame improves health, returns youth and prolonging life.
In ancient India, sesame was a symbol of eternal youth and immortality. He was called the food of the gods. From the perspective of Ayurveda, these seeds have sattvic (pure, beneficial) properties and is most often used as Rasayana - rejuvenating, soothing, softening and relaxing the body and mind means.
In modern medicine, sesame valued mainly because it contains a lot of "rejuvenation" of vitamin E and calcium. Thus, 100 g of sesame seeds cover the daily need for calcium. A sesame presence of zinc and phosphorus helps prevent osteoporosis because these micronutrients involved in building bone.
For Women Only
By their nature, sesame has warming properties, pleasant, slightly bitter taste, sweet vipak (aftertaste) and nutty flavor. He has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, and has a therapeutic effect in disorders of the respiratory system - bronchitis, pulmonary diseases and asthma. A daily intake of one teaspoon of sesame is very helpful for the normal functioning of the female reproductive system (Shukra dhatu). Furthermore, the use of sesame reduces the risk of mastitis or other diseases of the mammary glands.
At the same time, women should know that sesame seeds enhances blood flow during menstruation, so eat sesame during pregnancy should be careful. On the one hand, a high concentration of calcium helps build strong skeleton of the future baby, but on the other - with excessive enthusiasm sesame increases the risk of losing a child.
In search of lost youth
Herbal teas, powders, pastes and oil extracts - this is an incomplete list of medicinal drugs from sesame seeds, produced in Ayurveda. Sesame is most useful when the health problems associated with Vata imbalance. People in the constitution dominated by searing wool, age faster than those in whom more than fiery pitta and kapha oily. To balance the wool Ayurvedic doctors recommend eating sesame paste inside, smoothes the skin and helps strengthen nails, teeth and hair. And oil massage Abhyanga and Shirodhara, performed with warm sesame oil, reinforce the anti-aging effect.
Sesame seeds are used to recuperate, bowel cleansing, in violation of the liver, the weakness of the gums, tooth decay, hair loss and joint disease. If the sesame oil, prepared by cold pressing, add a little camphor, cardamom and cinnamon, it can be rubbed into the temples for migraines. However, sesame can cause an imbalance pitta, so the people of this dosha is necessary to use it with care and in small amounts.
Practical diet
As sattvic in nature, sesame seeds suitable for human consumption practices of yoga. Eating a daily 30 g of dried sesame seeds - black or light, the yogi not only improves health, but also improves the quality of the practice, because sesame strengthens the elasticity of the muscles.

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