10 People's Councils of interest.
1. Stretching the muscles.
Take a hot bath at 0, 5 cups ground ginger and 0, 5 soda glass for 15 minutes. In the affected area twice a day, apply a compress of warm paste (1 tsp. Ground ginger +1 tsp. Turmeric and a little hot water).
2. Bruises and other injuries, accompanied by edema.
In the swollen section apply powder 2 parts turmeric and 1 part salt bandage.
3. Insomnia, disturbed sleep.
In the evening, drink a glass of warm milk with 0, 5 tsp nutmeg, and mix 1 tsp. toasted ground cumin (jeera) with the pulp of a ripe banana. Eating a bedtime.
4. Burn.
Dissolve a pinch of turmeric in the juice of aloe. You can also burn to grease or melted coconut oil.
5. The flu and the common cold.
0, 5 tsp. Ginger and 1 tsp. Ground cinnamon boil at 0, 5 liters of water for 10 minutes. Drink cup 1 every 3 hours with a small amount of honey.
6. Runny nose, "stuffy" nose.
Breathe in the smoke of burning turmeric. This will clean the nasal passages quickly.
Or to have a good blow your nose inhale the powder
of equal parts ground cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom and cumin - drops you do not need it!
7. heartbeat, heart pain.
Equal parts of anise seeds, coriander and brown sugar and grind ingest pinch.
Or: 5 gr anise seeds, coriander 3 g and 11 raisins soaked overnight in 1 cup of warm water. Strain, take in the morning.
8. pharyngitis, laryngitis.
Grind almonds 7 7 grains of black pepper, add a little water and sugar. Take 1/4 tsp. Every 3-4 hours carefully chewing.
9. "lazy" bowel.
Drink a glass of warm milk with 1 tsp. Of melted butter. The effect will feel in a few minutes.
10. Abdominal pain during menstruation.
1 tbsp. spoonful of aloe juice mixed with 1/4 tsp. ground black pepper. Take 3 times a day until improvement.