Prepare salad morning beauty.

Morning beauty salad - a kind of homemade muesli. Of course, they are sold in stores in finished form, but home cooking is always better. Here you can create components according to your taste and put in a salad of beauty is what you like.
It has a beneficial effect on the appearance and health. If you will use it regularly, you will notice that the skin, hair and nails will improve. But not only this. Your gut starts to work like clockwork. You will become a better feel, you will add energy. You agree to such a set of qualities hard to resist!
Salad beauty consists of the following ingredients: apples, oatmeal, dried fruit, nuts, honey and fermented baked milk (or yogurt).
How to prepare a salad of beauty
First pour a handful of fermented baked oatmeal. Cook them before this is not necessary! As they swell for 5 minutes, cut into cubes 1 apple, a few nuts and handful of dried fruit (which is in the house: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, dates, etc.).
Add all this to the soaked Hercules. Put to 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and mix well. Salad beauty ready. Its preparation takes a few minutes, and the benefits from it undeniable.
Instead, you can use oatmeal wheat, pre-soaked overnight (available at grocery sections).
Action salad beauty
It starts the process of digestion. It stimulates the gastro-intestinal tract, causing the chair. Saturates the body with energy.
Important note: the use of the lettuce beauty is visible only if used consistently. Eat it at least for a month, then you will see the result. The state of your skin, hair and nails will delight you!