Cleans kidneys from "sand" and "stones".
Dark seedless raisins. pepper black pepper (sweet not do). What do we do? Flavor is divided into 2 parts, one in the middle put peppercorn, join.
The dosage regimen:
Day 1 - 1 zest, Day 2 - 2 highlights, Day 3 - 3 raisin and so on to 10. At 11-day, too, must take 10 highlights, and then diminish by one: the 12th day - 9 highlights, the 13th day - 8, day 14 - 7 and so on until one.
Be sure to chew thoroughly. Take once a day - in the morning before breakfast. if chewed 5 or more raisins will burn the tongue, drink water.
After a 21-day course of 3 days to drink diuretics. After the break (3 days) to make raisins another 20 days under the same scheme. Again 3 days taking diuretics and apricots. A total of 3 full turns of the course.
At first the urine may be cloudy, then, as will come out "sand", will brighten.
After a course of treatment to make US.