-Instead Aspirin.
Essential oils found in figs, normalize the blood and prevent it thicken (do not drink the "thinning" aspirin is better to eat figs - for the month, only 1 fruit per day, and a month later to repeat the course.
- Improves brain function.
Fig recommended to use for people whose work is connected with intelligent workloads and work - artists, composers, writers and poets, and entrepreneurs - it is also very fundamentally creative thinking.
- At high temperature, sore throat, oral infections, bronchitis.
1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped figs pour 2 cups boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. boil on low heat; cooled, filtered, take 4 times a day.
- Fatigue, weakness, nervous exhaustion.
Pour a glass of warm milk 4-5 berries, insist triturated, and eat 2-4 times a day.
- Kidney stones, cystitis, pyelonephritis, pain when urinating.
Fig (3-5 berries) pour 200 ml of boiling water for 5 minutes. simmered, then knead well berries. Take away from food during the day.
- A restorative salad with figs.
If instead of a fried egg sandwiches and eat salad with figs the day, you'll be well fed for a long time, and his heart will be easier to cope with stress.
Figs - 300 g prunes - 150 g almonds - 2, 5, Art. spoon yogurt - 1 cup, orange peel.
Prunes soak, then rinse with figs and finely chop. Almond scalded with boiling water, peel and chop. All the mix, sprinkle with orange-peel and pour yogurt. Sugar is better not to add.