15 "overheard" stories, charged positive

daily with each of us come funny stories, which sometimes can not be silent. There is even a special project that helps people to anonymously share their revelations.
We are in the Website especially inspired by the stories that make their lives happier and merrier authors. Such we have gathered in this article.
About Love h3>
The parents married 28 years. This year, my mother was executed 45. It so happened that on his birthday, she was in the country, and we are in Moscow. So the 49-year-old romantic week take time off from work and we had the night went for 350 km. Without warning, to arrange a surprise. We arrived after midnight, my mother was already asleep and the house is closed, respectively. I almost wept with emotion when Dad took off the grid and climbed out the window, holding in his mouth a bouquet of daisies that would wake her with a kiss and congratulate you. As a child, when my father butchered dried fish, my mother always got the most varnish part - backbone. I was even a little bit sad that yummy ottdayut not me. When this summer, my young man, razdelyvaya dried fish, handed me the whole ridge, I realized it was true love. Today was sitting on a bench near the entrance and watched as a girl about eight years old, walking around, rang the intercom , I said: "Mom, I love you." My mother replied, "I love you too", and the girl went to play again. lying together in the hospital with one guy. For the past several years, and periodically we communicate pretty well. One talked about the unusual birthday gifts. I told him that someone sent me 17 chrysanthemums, and so far it is not clear why this is the number, because I was executed nineteen. On it, without unnecessary phrases, he said: "The seventeenth Hospital». to return home tired from work and stumbled upon the entrance of a small kitten. I bent down to him and say, "Well, ginger miracle, the company amounted to a strong and independent woman?" And then a voice from behind: "Only if the idle man will take to complete." It turned out to be the owner. Agreed. 3 years have passed - and never regretted.The Children h3>
We live in Khrushchev, good audibility. A neighbor from the top is quite large, so goes that sometimes chandelier shakes. One could not put two year old son to sleep, and at this time a neighbor walked son for himself invented it bear stomping him, I did not persuade. A neighbor told - laughed and said handle. And now periodically if the son does not go to time, write sms neighbor "We need a teddy bear." 3 minutes - and the baby is asleep. My daughter of 8 years, methodically carries home stray cats of all colors and sizes. With her husband and scolded her and explained, and asked - she still drags. Yesterday came to visit my sister, we discovered the next pupils and asked the daughter: "Masha, why are these beasts you bring home?", To which she replied: "Well, have a single woman should be 40 cats! And I do not want to get married, and that's going! It is necessary to have time to save them! »About the good h3>
I was driving a taxi at night, I began to appear - have found a coin, 10 rubles. He pocketed, and lay there. Two days later I went to the store, to withdraw money from an ATM, standing, waiting queue. Look: a man comes to the cashier and asked to change two penny on ten. Cashier - zero attention. A man, upset, goes to the door. I found the coin in his pocket, put it. We exchanged. It turned out he wanted to buy chewing bead son. Son, boy about eight years old, with the hope of looking at batyu and so much joy in his eyes, when his father came up with a coin. It can be seen, not by chance God has sent me this ten. Yesterday was standing at the bus stop, on a bench sat a cat. From suburban bus drove up an old lady came, took out his bag of cat food, and gave a little cat. Seeing my astonished eyes, she said that she always carries with him a meal for homeless animals, and this cat every day at the same time sitting at the bus stop waiting for her ... Today, down the escalator in Metro saw a girl with her mother, who stood below. The girl was holding the ball incredibly beautiful. On the platform was another girl with her mother and anything asked of her, my mother refused. And the girl with the ball came to one another, and gave her the ball, putting the girl in the string hand and said, "You just keep him." And rode to his mother.About failures h3>
work in the tourism sector. Customer canceled the trip. I called to find out what happened. The reply was: "I'm sorry, we sobered up!» I bought a home in the bathroom acrylic bathtub. Came magazine Wizard, install it hooked up, everything is fine. It took a couple of months, the entire surface is covered with bubbles. Well, I think lohanulsya, before that was cast iron and had no problems. Call the store said that the expelled wizard. Comes technician removes bath vspuzyrivsheyusya protective film and leaves.About Life h3>
In the next yard lives a girl who uses a wheelchair. Every morning, watching as it goes in the direction of the stadium, and then disappeared for a few weeks, not directly on its own costs. Today met her with a cane in his hand. Let us not familiar with it, but I did for her glad! At school, I was a quiet excellent student-bespectacled, over which mocked everything hooligans parallels ... Now, many years after graduation, the Hoosier own trembling with fear at the door to my office. And all because I - a dentist! He went into a small restaurant, do good shisha, sometimes go there. Middle of a day. Nobody here. The bartender, who is also the owner of the cafe, loaded hookah. Comes a woman aged, steadily moving forward to the front. Good, something starts to spread, it seems, homemade food. The bartender quickly hides embarrassment to him. Woman speaks very loudly, with irritation: "What you have so nadymleno something ?!" bartender, very embarrassed, half-whisper: "Well, Mom, I have the same hookah ...»Photo for preview: jesse berg
via 500px.com/photo/66135125/searching-for-spring-by-jesse-berg