10 overheard stories that children are our weakness And strength.

Raising children, we adults can learn a lot: spontaneity, curiosity and inquisitiveness, the ability to be the first to come to terms or support without fear of being misunderstood.
Most ordinary people tell stories about children and their own childhood in the Overheard and Pikabu communities. Website They are the best, the funniest, and the best.

I work at school. We have a boy: he has problems with his leg, he walks on crutches. His mother wanted him to study in a normal class with ordinary children. The boy is cheerful, social, independent, classmates help him, of course. He is already in high school, and a ninth-grader hooligan joined him: he took away the crutch, laughed at his sister and at him. But it came to light later when they began to understand why the six-graders beat the ninth grader.

As a child with a friend often tinkered in the sandbox. Then she told me a story: one day she was digging sand and dug up to the point that she saw the subway and how trains go. I believed and dug into the night until my parents took me by the hand, and every time I went there and started digging. I was very upset when my mom and dad said we didn’t have a subway in town.

I went to the clinic, and the children were just making mantu. Children cry, adults are nervous, trying to calm them down. A 5-year-old boy got vaccinated. Comes out, cries, floods. His father tried to calm him down: “Don’t cry!” You're a man! To which the child responds, "No, no, no." After that, I'm not a man anymore!

When I was a kid, I suffered from psoriasis. The whole forehead, stomach, all back was dotted. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart. The kids were throwing textbooks at me, and I had the nickname Chernobyl. It continued until my parents and I moved to another city. In the new class, bravely standing in front of the children, I raised my hair and asked not to be afraid, as it is not contagious. And the whole class... came up and hugged me! After six months, the psoriasis was gone, and I will never forget the kindness of my classmates. They changed my life.

I took the subway. The mood is bad, on the verge of divorce. I'm thinking about how I'm going to live. At one of the stations, two women with small children enter the car. Next to me sits a boy who is about two years old. After some time, the train brakes sharply, the baby by inertia falls a little sideways. To hold on, he grabs my hand with his pen. The speed of the train leveled, and his handle remained in my hand. Accompanying the children, the women smiled, joked about him, so quickly found a girlfriend. And the baby, not shy and picking fingers in my hand, asked my name and introduced himself. That was it until he got out. I feel a lot better. I'll be fine.

My child, like most modern children, has a mountain of toys and gadgets. On his 11th birthday, among other things, he gave a notebook A4 in a beautiful cover. He said it wasn’t just a book, it was a book of success. It is from the first to the last page of his successes, they are already there, he only needs to register them so that they can be seen. The child listened with the look on his face as if I were telling him a secret. And then he said it was the best gift!

My 10-month-old son periodically starts squeaking, freaking out, then comes up and falls under my feet. Like a dead fox. This means that it is time to “recharge”: I carry it to the bed, kiss from the top to the heels, iron, squeeze, jam. Then three more children run, demanding mother caress. And so we're lying like this on a huge bed, hugging, kissing, fighting, pissing, laughing. And in such moments, a wave of happiness covers me, I forget that I am a tired mother of many children, and I feel great gratitude for the fact that I have beautiful, healthy children, a loving and beloved husband, and all the problems seem pathetic nonsense.

I bought my 4-year-old son a camera. Every time we go out for a walk, he takes pictures of everything that he finds beautiful, interesting or funny. At first, I clicked everything. The camera is only available when something is very impressive. At home, we analyze the photos: he tells why he captured this, and I record everything. It is amazing how unconventional children perceive everything around them! In 15 years, I will show my grown-up son how he saw the world when he was just beginning to recognize it.

I'm in high school. Very soon the children will hear the last call and run to enter universities. Last week, my students came up to me with the headmaster and offered to make T-shirts for the whole class at the graduation, which would write the name and surname of their classmate, who is now fighting cancer in an Israeli clinic. “We want to support it in this way!” And the money saved on costumes and dresses will be sent to her! I could hardly hold back my tears. It's not class, it's family!

A walk in kindergarten. Winter. One of the boys loudly declares: “And Dad said that smart language does not stick to the iron!” And we licked together the whole group: who is the iron slide, who is the railing... I don't remember if it was immediately realized, or when the tongue healed, or even later. But now I know for sure that smart, yes, does not stick.
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